- having a short or shortened tail; "bobtail mare" (同)bobtailed
- a short or shortened tail of certain animals (同)bob, dock
- しっぽの短い
- 切り尾;切り尾の馬(犬) / 切り尾の,尾を切った
English Journal
- Ancestral T-box mutation is present in many, but not all, short-tailed dog breeds.
- Hytönen MK, Grall A, Hédan B, Dréano S, Seguin SJ, Delattre D, Thomas A, Galibert F, Paulin L, Lohi H, Sainio K, André C.SourceMedical Biochemistry and Developmental Biology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Helsinki, PO Box 63, 00014 Helsinki, Finland. marjo.hytonen@helsinki.fi
- The Journal of heredity.J Hered.2009 Mar-Apr;100(2):236-40. Epub 2008 Oct 14.
- Dogs differ greatly in their morphological characteristics including various tail phenotypes. Congenitally short-tailed dogs are present in many breeds; however, the causative mutation located in the T-box transcription factor T gene (C189G) had only been described in the bobtailed Pembroke Welsh Co
- PMID 18854372
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- Behind Prince Bagration rode an officer of the suite, the prince's personal adjutant, Zherkov, an orderly officer, the staff officer on duty, riding a fine bobtailed horse, and a civilian- an accountant who had asked permission to be present ...
- bobtailedとは。意味や和訳。[形] ⇒bób・tàil - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。 ... プロバイダならOCN
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