- darkened by smoke; "blackened rafters"
- make or become black; "The smoke blackened the ceiling"; "The ceiling blackened" (同)melanize, melanise, nigrify, black
- …'を'黒くする,暗くする / 〈人〉'を'中傷する,悪く言う / 黒くなる,暗くなる
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/09 10:28:44」(JST)
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Look up blackening, blackened, or blacken in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Blackening, Blackened, or Blacken may refer to:
- Blacken (basin), a basin in Lake Mälaren in Sweden
- Blackened (song), a 1988 Metallica song
- Blackening (chemistry) or black oxide, a conversion coating for ferrous materials
- Blackening (cooking), a cooking technique commonly used in the preparation of fish
- Blackening (Scottish wedding custom), performed in the days or weeks prior to marriages in Scotland
- The Blackening, a 2007 album by thrash metal band Machine Head
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English Journal
- In-vacuum scattered light reduction with black cupric oxide surfaces for sensitive fluorescence detection.
- Norrgard EB1, Sitaraman N1, Barry JF1, McCarron DJ1, Steinecker MH1, DeMille D1.
- The Review of scientific instruments.Rev Sci Instrum.2016 May;87(5):053119. doi: 10.1063/1.4949503.
- We demonstrate a simple and easy method for producing low-reflectivity surfaces that are ultra-high vacuum compatible, may be baked to high temperatures, and are easily applied even on complex surface geometries. Black cupric oxide (CuO) surfaces are chemically grown in minutes on any copper surface
- PMID 27250404
- Deformity, Erosion, Lesion, and Tumor Occurrence, Fluctuating Asymmetry, and Population Parameters for Bluntnose Minnow (Pimephales notatus) as Indicators of Recovering Water Quality in a Great Lakes Area of Concern, USA.
- Simon TP1,2, Burskey JL3.
- Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology.Arch Environ Contam Toxicol.2016 Feb;70(2):181-91. doi: 10.1007/s00244-015-0254-4. Epub 2016 Jan 4.
- The Grand Calumet River is an industrial river and a Great Lakes Area of Concern in southwestern Lake Michigan, USA. Recovery end points require well-formulated designs to assess the use of occurrence of internal and external anomalies, fluctuating asymmetry, and population indicators to determine r
- PMID 26729349
- Spectroscopic Studies on the Characterization of a Persian Playing Card.
- Holakooei P1, Niknejad M2, Vaccaro C3.
- Applied spectroscopy.Appl Spectrosc.2016 Jan;70(1):197-206. doi: 10.1177/0003702815611058.
- This paper presents the results of our investigations on a playing card preserved at The Mūzih-i Āynih va Rushanāī in Yazd, Iran. Conducting micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (μ-XRF), micro-Raman spectroscopy (μ-Raman), infrared reflectography (IRR), ultraviolet fluorescence photography, r
- PMID 26767645
Japanese Journal
- 過酸化水素水と塩酸との混合水溶液中における銅板上での周期的変化の観察条件
- 微胞子虫 Microsporidium seriolae によるブリ類のべこ病の感染動態
- 横山 博,綾戸 大地,宮原 治郎 [他],松倉 一樹,高見 生雄,横山 文彦,小川 和夫
- 魚病研究 46(2), 51-58, 2011-06-15
- ブリ類のべこ病について、感染成立から治癒に至る過程を調べた。養殖魚の4年間にわたる調査の結果、感染は種苗導入直後の6~7月に起こり、寄生率は約1ヶ月で最大100%に達した。シストは翌年秋までに徐々に黒化して消失したが、初期の寄生強度が高い年は一部が残存した。発生海域への人工種苗の移入実験により、8月中旬以後には魚への侵入が終息すること、魚のサイズが寄生率や寄生強度に影響することが明らかになった。
- NAID 10029368684
- 米国議会図書館所蔵の日本教科書--「墨塗り教科書」との関連
- 田甫 桂三
- 帝京平成大学紀要 22(1), 45-69, 2011-03
- … They include: 1) Textbooks blackened lines out or slash marks drawn directly over and 2) Textbooks with many notes by written-in English " militarism" on the tags or slips were inserted or pasted. … However, textbooks were blackened out over words or the parts, not for teaching on dealing with such as militarism were used for about one year after the War till new textbooks were published. …
- NAID 120005315003
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