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- 1. 肝内胆管の消失および胆管消失症候群hepatic ductopenia and vanishing bile duct syndrome [show details]
…apoptosis, are both expressed on bile duct cells. However, BAX is expressed along the entire biliary tree, whereas BCL-2 appears to be limited to bile ductules and interlobular bile ducts. Biliary apoptosis is …
- 2. 胆管切除術および再建術bile duct resection and reconstruction [show details]
…be discussed here. The management of common bile duct stone and bile duct injury, and surgical treatment of cholangiocarcinoma, are covered elsewhere. Bile duct resection and reconstruction (BDRR) is …
- 3. 急性胆管炎:臨床症状、診断、マネージメントacute cholangitis clinical manifestations diagnosis and management [show details]
…permeability of bile ductules, permitting translocation of bacteria and toxins from the portal circulation into the biliary tract . Elevated pressure also favors migration of bacteria from bile into the systemic …
- 4. 成人に生じる胆石症の概要overview of gallstone disease in adults [show details]
… Technique for bile collection – Bile microscopy aims to detect microcrystals of cholesterol or amorphous bilirubinate as indirect evidence for the presence of microlithiasis in bile . The methods …
- 5. 胆嚢摘出術以外の胆のう結石症治療の概要overview of nonsurgical management of gallbladder stones [show details]
…desirable to ensure that bile that has become saturated with the dissolved cholesterol is emptied into the duodenum and fresh, unsaturated hepatic bile containing the administered bile acid can mix with the …
English Journal
- Reduced Immunohistochemical Expression of Hnf1β and FoxA2 in Liver Tissue Can Discriminate Between Biliary Atresia and Other Causes of Neonatal Cholestasis.
- Shaalan UF, Ibrahim NL, Ehsan NA, Sultan MM, Naser GM, Abd El-Fatah MO.
- Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology : AIMM. 2019 Apr;27(4)e32-e38.
- Biliary atresia (BA) is a necroinflammatory occlusive cholangiopathy that affects infants. Genetic and environmental factors has been proposed for its occurrence. The objectives of this study was to investigate the protein expression of 2 important genes regulating ductal plate remodeling, hepatocyt
- PMID 29406331
- Azmaiparashvili E, Bebiashvili I, Karumidze N, Tsomaia K, Kordzaia D.
- Georgian medical news. 2019 Jan;(286)100-106.
- Ductular reaction (DR) is one of the classical features of biliary obstruction in humans as well as in experimental models. It is the histological phenomenon expressed by the increased number of ductular profiles (DPs), which is especially intensively studied in rodents' model of common bile duct li
- PMID 30829599
Japanese Journal
- 腹腔鏡下肝切除を施行した7歳女児限局性結節性過形成の1例
- 寺田 卓郎,三井 毅,天谷 奨,高嶋 吉浩,宗本 義則,宮山 士朗
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 78(3), 564-570, 2017
- 7歳女児の限局性結節性過形成に対して,腹腔鏡下肝切除を施行した1例を経験した.患者はインフルエンザによる発熱で受診したが,腹部に腫瘤を触知し精査を行った.造影CTでは肝S 5,6より連続して尾側に突出する75×70mmの多血性腫瘤を認めた.腫瘤内部は不均一で中心瘢痕を有し,肝動脈枝(A5)が中心瘢痕から末梢に放射状に走行していた.造影MRIおよびソナゾイド造影超音波検査所見からも限局性結節性過形成 …
- NAID 130006108187
- Contributions of hepatocytes and bile ductular cells in ductular reactions and remodeling of the biliary system after chronic liver injury.
- 永濱 康晴,Sone Masayuki,Xi Chen,岡田 陽子,山本 雅大,Bing Xin,Matsuo Yasuhiro,Komatsu Mikiko,Suzuki Akira,Enomoto Katsuhiko,西川 祐司
- The American Journal of Pathology 184(11), 3001-3012, 2014-11
- … 著者最終原稿CC-BY-NC-NDMature hepatocytes are suggested to possess a capacity for bile ductular transdifferentiation, but whether and how hepatocytes contribute to ductular reaction in chronic liver diseases has not been elucidated. …
- NAID 120005688776
- 右季肋部痛を契機に診断された径15cmの肝限局性結節性過形成の1例
- 松永 浩子,中村 典明,入江 工,田中 真二,有井 滋樹
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Surgical Association 74(6), 1666-1670, 2013-06-25
- 症例は19歳,男性.右季肋部痛と膨隆を主訴に前医を受診,肝右葉に巨大腫瘤を認め当院紹介受診となった.検査所見,腫瘍マーカーは正常範囲内であった.病変は肝右葉に造影CTで早期濃染を示し,中心に低吸収領域を伴う境界明瞭な径約15cm大の巨大腫瘍として描出された.また,EOB-MRIの肝細胞相で病変部に取り込みを認めた.以上より第一に限局性結節性過形成(以下FNH)を疑った.本症は若年であること巨大腫瘍 …
- NAID 10031190894
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- ヘーリング管