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English Journal
- Human cytomegalovirus gH stability and trafficking are regulated by ER-associated degradation and transmembrane architecture.
- Gardner TJ1, Hernandez RE1, Noriega VM1, Tortorella D1.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2016 Mar 30;6:23692. doi: 10.1038/srep23692.
- The prototypic betaherpesvirus human cytomegalovirus (CMV) establishes life-long persistence within its human host. While benign in healthy individuals, CMV poses a significant threat to the immune compromised, including transplant recipients and neonates. The CMV glycoprotein complex gH/gL/gO media
- PMID 27026399
- Human Cytomegalovirus Infection Upregulates the Mitochondrial Transcription and Translation Machineries.
- Karniely S1, Weekes MP2, Antrobus R2, Rorbach J3, van Haute L3, Umrania Y2, Smith DL4, Stanton RJ5, Minczuk M3, Lehner PJ2, Sinclair JH6.
- mBio.MBio.2016 Mar 29;7(2). pii: e00029-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00029-16.
- Infection with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) profoundly affects cellular metabolism. Like in tumor cells, HCMV infection increases glycolysis, and glucose carbon is shifted from the mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid cycle to the biosynthesis of fatty acids. However, unlike in many tumor cells, where a
- PMID 27025248
- Complex Interplay of the UL136 Isoforms Balances Cytomegalovirus Replication and Latency.
- Caviness K1, Bughio F2, Crawford LB3, Streblow DN3, Nelson JA3, Caposio P3, Goodrum F4.
- mBio.MBio.2016 Mar 1;7(2). pii: e01986-15. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01986-15.
- Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a betaherpesvirus, persists indefinitely in the human host through poorly understood mechanisms. The UL136 gene is carried within a genetic locus important to HCMV latency termed the UL133/8 locus, which also carries UL133, UL135, and UL138. Previously, we demonstrated
- PMID 26933055
Japanese Journal
- ヒトヘルペスウイルス6とヒトヘルペスウイルス7(HHV-6, HHV-7)
- Recognition of a novel stage of betaherpesvirus latency in human herpesvirus 6
- 豚サイトメガロウイルス主要カプシド蛋白コード遺伝子の同定
- The journal of veterinary medical science 63(6), 609-618, s・vii, 2001-06-25
- NAID 110003920664
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