- be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued" (同)betoken, indicate, point, signal
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English Journal
- Cargo, "infection," and the logic of quarantine in the nineteenth century.
- Barnes DS.
- Bulletin of the history of medicine.Bull Hist Med.2014 Spring;88(1):75-101. doi: 10.1353/bhm.2014.0018.
- In the nineteenth century, maritime quarantine officials often paid more attention to ships' cargo than they did to the health of passengers or crew members. Based on a close reading of the everyday practice of quarantine at Philadelphia's Lazaretto (1801-1895), this article suggests that the histor
- PMID 24769803
- The politics of corruption, inequality, and the socially excluded.
- Santos Salas A1.
- Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals.Nurs Philos.2013 Jul;14(3):168-77. doi: 10.1111/nup.12016.
- In this article, the production of knowledge in the context of socially excluded people exposed to inequality, oppression, and exploitation is problematized. The analysis follows Enrique Dussel's philosophical exegesis of the politics of power and corruption and his vision of a critical transformati
- PMID 23745658
- The evolutionary significance of depression in Pathogen Host Defense (PATHOS-D).
- Raison CL1, Miller AH.
- Molecular psychiatry.Mol Psychiatry.2013 Jan;18(1):15-37. doi: 10.1038/mp.2012.2. Epub 2012 Jan 31.
- Given the manifold ways that depression impairs Darwinian fitness, the persistence in the human genome of risk alleles for the disorder remains a much debated mystery. Evolutionary theories that view depressive symptoms as adaptive fail to provide parsimonious explanations for why even mild depressi
- PMID 22290120
- Protein kinase C beta in postischemic brain mitochondria.
- Kowalczyk JE1, Kawalec M, Beręsewicz M, Dębski J, Dadlez M, Zabłocka B.
- Mitochondrion.Mitochondrion.2012 Jan;12(1):138-43. doi: 10.1016/j.mito.2011.06.002. Epub 2011 Jun 17.
- PKC is implicated in the regulation of mitochondrial metabolism. We examined the association of PKCβ with mitochondria and followed postischemic changes in its amount in mitochondria isolated from ischemia-vulnerable (CA1) and ischemia-resistant (CA2-4,DG) hippocampus in gerbil model of transient b
- PMID 21704734
Japanese Journal
- レイモンド・カーヴァー「ささやかだけれど、役にたつこと」に関する一考察
- Bespeak法理を適用して不実表示の責任を否定した事例 Luce v. Edelstein, 802 F.2d 49(2d Cir. 1986)(米国会社・証取法判例研究)
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