English Journal
- The relationships of the pulmonary arteries to lung lesions aid in differential diagnosis using computed tomography.
- Lin CH1, Li TC, Tsai PP, Lin WC.
- BioMedicine.Biomedicine (Taipei).2015 Jun;5(2):11. doi: 10.7603/s40681-015-0011-z. Epub 2015 Jun 9.
- The improvement of the resolution of rapid scanning in multidetector computed tomography (CT) has an increased accuracy that allows for the demonstration of the relationship of the pulmonary arteries and lung lesions, even in the peripheral lung. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relation
- PMID 26054902
- CEUS: An essential component in a multimodality approach to small nodules in patients at high-risk for hepatocellular carcinoma.
- Jang HJ1, Kim TK2, Burns PN3, Wilson SR4.
- European journal of radiology.Eur J Radiol.2015 May 22. pii: S0720-048X(15)00248-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.05.020. [Epub ahead of print]
- Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) plays an essential role in the evaluation of small nodules in livers at high-risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and offers unique advantages over CT/MRI. These include the sensitive depiction of arterial hypervascularity of HCC, better demonstration of rapid
- PMID 26092406
Japanese Journal
- Circumscribed Mass Lesions on Mammography : Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging to Differentiate Malignancy and Benignancy
- OKAFUJI Takashi,YABUUCHI Hidetake,SOEDA Hiroyasu,MATSUO Yoshio,KAMITANI Takeshi,SAKAI Shuji,HATAKENAKA Masamitsu,KUROKI Syoji,TOKUNAGA Eriko,YAMAMOTO Hidetaka,HONDA Hiroshi
- Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS 7(4), 195-204, 2008-12-01
- … Purpose: We evaluated the magnetic resonance (MR) features of breast lesions showing circumscribed mass on mammography to understand the characteristics that differentiate malignancy and benignancy. …
- NAID 10025570733
- 板谷 美和
- 日本保険医学会誌 106(1), 35-42, 2008-03-17
- GISTは,消化管間葉系腫瘍としては最も多く,筋層神経叢のカハールの介在細胞と同じ前駆細胞から生じる。わが国では検診が普及しているため,再発あるいは切除不能例に加え,切除後再発をきたさない例,切除対象とならない例を含めると,実際の発生頻度は海外のデータよりもかなり高いと予想される。転移や不完全切除例は予後不良であるが,原発性GISTの良悪性を確実に分類することは困難である。基本的に,GISTはすべ …
- NAID 110006632925
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