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English Journal
- Behavioral aspects of vestibular rehabilitation.
- Staab JP.SourceDepartment of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN, USA.
- NeuroRehabilitation.NeuroRehabilitation.2011;29(2):179-83. doi: 10.3233/NRE-2011-0693.
- Behavioral factors are an integral part of the overall morbidity of patients with vertigo, dizziness, and balance disorders. Anxiety, depression, and more importantly, loss of balance confidence and sense of debility and handicap beleaguer patients with acute and chronic vestibular symptoms. Vestibu
- PMID 22027080
- Australian chiropractic sports medicine: half way there or living on a prayer?
- Pollard H, Hoskins W, McHardy A, Bonello R, Garbutt P, Swain M, Dragasevic G, Pribicevic M, Vitiello A.SourceDepartment of Health and Chiropractic, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia.
- Chiropractic & osteopathy.Chiropr Osteopat.2007 Sep 19;15:14.
- Sports chiropractic within Australia has a chequered historical background of unorthodox individualistic displays of egocentric treatment approaches that emphasise specific technique preference and individual prowess rather than standardised evidence based management. This situation has changed in r
- PMID 17880724
- School nurse practice: a decade of change.
- DeBell D.SourceCentre for Research in Health and Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge & Chelmsford.
- Community practitioner : the journal of the Community Practitioners' & Health Visitors' Association.Community Pract.2006 Oct;79(10):324-7.
- Good practice requires an evidence base and criteria for assessment, which was the subject of a scope review of school nurse practice across the four countries of the UK. The findings demonstrate a rich base of research into service practice, particularly in the last decade. School nursing practice
- PMID 17061663
Japanese Journal
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