- having a bed or beds as specified
- inserted as an integral part of a surrounding whole; "confused by the embedded Latin quotations"; "an embedded subordinate clause"
- enclosed firmly in a surrounding mass; "found pebbles embedded in the silt"; "stone containing many embedded fossils"; "peach and plum seeds embedded in a sweet edible pulp"
- having a double bed; "a double-bedded room"
- having single beds
- having twin beds
English Journal
- Managing social awkwardness when caring for morbidly obese patients in intensive care: A focused ethnography.
- Hales C1, de Vries K2, Coombs M3.
- International journal of nursing studies.Int J Nurs Stud.2016 Jun;58:82-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.03.016. Epub 2016 Mar 30.
- BACKGROUND: Critically ill morbidly obese patients pose considerable healthcare delivery and resource utilisation challenges in the intensive care setting. These are resultant from specific physiological responses to critical illness in this population and the nature of the interventional therapies
- PMID 27087301
- Co-bedding in neonatal nursery for promoting growth and neurodevelopment in stable preterm twins.
- Lai NM1, Foong SC, Foong WC, Tan K.
- The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2016 Apr 14;4:CD008313. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: The increased birth rate of twins during recent decades and the improved prognosis of preterm infants have resulted in the need to explore measures that could optimize their growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes. It has been postulated that co-bedding simulates twins' intrauterine exper
- PMID 27075527
- A prospective exploration of farm, farmer, and animal characteristics in human-animal relationships: An epidemiological survey.
- des Roches AB1, Veissier I2, Boivin X2, Gilot-Fromont E3, Mounier L2.
- Journal of dairy science.J Dairy Sci.2016 Apr 13. pii: S0022-0302(16)30174-6. doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-10633. [Epub ahead of print]
- Human-animal relationships are essential for dairy farming. They affect work comfort and efficiency, as well as milk production. A poor human-animal relationship can result in stress and accidents to both animals and caretakers and needs to be improved. However, many studies have demonstrated the mu
- PMID 27085406
Japanese Journal
- フロラ 岐阜県加茂郡七宗町飛水峡層状チャートの地衣類
- 島根県銅ヶ丸鉱山および滋賀県御池鉱山産ハイドロウッドワード石の化学組成
- 下林 典正,小林 祥一
- 岩石鉱物科学 41(4), 122-128, 2012
- … The samples indicate fine bedded texture (1 μm to 10 μm in thickness) corresponding to the different compositions. …
- NAID 130001909316
- 縞状チャート中に挟在する黒色頁岩中のダイアモンドイドのGC/MSによる解析(有機地球化学会30周年記念事業 地球・環境有機分子検索マニュアルNo.25)
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