- …'を'美しくする,美化する
English Journal
- The effectiveness and risk comparison of EDTA with EGTA in enhancing Cd phytoextraction by Mirabilis jalapa L.
- Wang S1, Liu J.
- Environmental monitoring and assessment.Environ Monit Assess.2014 Feb;186(2):751-9. doi: 10.1007/s10661-013-3414-x. Epub 2013 Sep 26.
- In the previous study, Mirabilis jalapa L. had revealed the basic Cd hyperaccumulator characteristics, but the accumulation ability was not as strong as that of other known Cd hyperaccumulators. In order to improve the accumulation ability of this ornamental plant, the chelants were used to activate
- PMID 24068285
- [Skin sensitizers in cosmetics and skin care products].
- Minamoto K.
- Nihon eiseigaku zasshi. Japanese journal of hygiene.Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi.2010 Jan;65(1):20-9.
- Cosmetics are defined as "articles with mild action on the human body, which are intended to be applied to the human body through rubbing, sprinkling or other methods, aiming to clean, beautify and increase the attractiveness, alter the appearance or to keep the skin or hair in good condition (The P
- PMID 20134105
- [Protection regionalization of Houshi Forest Park based on landscape sensitivity].
- Zhou R1, Li YH, Hu YM, Zhang JH, Liu M.
- Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology / Zhongguo sheng tai xue xue hui, Zhongguo ke xue yuan Shenyang ying yong sheng tai yan jiu suo zhu ban.Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao.2009 Mar;20(3):665-72.
- By using GIS technology, and selecting slope, relative distance to viewpoints, relative distance to tourism roads, visual probability of viewpoints, and visual probability of tourism roads as the indices, the landscape sensitivity of Houshi Forest Park was assessed, and an integrated assessment mode
- PMID 19637608
Japanese Journal
- War Memory, War Responsibility, and Anti-War Pacifism in Director Miyazaki's The Wind Rises (Kaze Tachinu)
- Akimoto Daisuke
- 創大平和研究 (28), 45-72, 2014-07-03
- … Director Miyazaki stated that the film does not attempt to 'denounce' war or to beautify the Japanese Zero Fighter plane, but to portray a Japanese young man who chased his dream and cherished his love despite the difficult age he lived in. …
- NAID 120005514858
- Landscape Preservation and Legalization : Japan and Taiwan as Examples
- Chiang Yen-Cheng,Sato Noriko
- Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 58(1), 195-207, 2013-02
- … This study hopes that the establishment of the Landscape Law will facilitate the active improvement of current environmental landscape issues at various levels of government, address the neglect of the public toward landscape beautification and maintenance, and cultivate residents to habitually appreciate and beautify the environment. …
- NAID 120005227268
- リレー連載 前歯部審美修復テクニック:捻転を伴った前歯部のラミネートベニア修復
- 加藤 泰二
- 日本顎咬合学会誌 咬み合わせの科学 33(3), 269-276, 2013
- 捻転した歯は,審美性や清掃性の観点から是正を必要とする場合が少なくないが,その是正方法の第一選択は歯列矯正である.しかし,歯列矯正は我が国ではまだまだ患者にとって第一選択となる治療にはなっていないのが現実である.実際,ミニマルインターベンションを考慮すると,歯列矯正が最も適した治療方法であるにもかかわらず,年齢的な問題や治療中の審美性のために歯列矯正を選択されないことが多い.そうなると,修復処置に …
- NAID 130004709109
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