- 関
- affinity
- the total binding strength of a molecule with more than one binding site is called its avidity (IMM.740)
- 機能的親和力。例えば、5量体IgMと抗原との間の平衡定数が大きいとき、アビディティーが大きいという。
- a natural attraction or feeling of kinship; "an affinity for politics"; "the mysterious affinity between them"; "Jamess affinity with Sam"
- inherent resemblance between persons or things
- the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule; "basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk" (同)chemical attraction
- a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character; "found a natural affinity with the immigrants"; "felt a deep kinship with the other students"; "anthropologys kinship with the humanities" (同)kinship
- (biology) state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural parts; "in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans" (同)phylogenetic relation
- (anthropology) kinship by marriage or adoption; not a blood relationship
- (immunology) the attraction between an antigen and an antibody
- technical terms for pregnancy (同)gravidness, gravidation
- どん欲;渇望,熱望
- 〈C〉(人・物に対する)好み,親近感《+『for』(『to, with』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(2者の間の)密接な関係,類似《+『between』+『名』》;(…との)類縁《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉親和力(原子が化学反応を起こしやすい力)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/08/27 15:33:44」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
In proteins, avidity is the combined strength of multiple bond interactions. Avidity is distinct from affinity, which is the strength of a single bond. As such, avidity is the combined synergistic strength of bond affinities rather than the sum of bonds.
It is commonly applied to antibody interactions in which multiple antigen binding sites simultaneously interact with a target. Individually, each binding interaction may be readily broken, however, when many binding interactions are present at the same time, transient unbinding of a single site does not allow the molecule to diffuse away, and binding of that site is likely to be reinstated. The overall effect is synergistic, strong binding of antigen to antibody (e.g. IgM is said to have low affinity but high avidity because it has 10 weak binding sites as opposed to the 2 strong binding sites of IgG, IgE and IgD).
If the clustered proteins form a matrix, such as a clathrin-coat, the interaction is a matricity.
See also
- Amino acid residue
- Epitope
- Fab region
- Hapten
External links
- Antibody+Avidity at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
- Roitt, Ivan, et al., Immunology, 6th edn, 2001, Mosby Publishers, page 72.
Micro Class at SIUE
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English Journal
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- Makis W, Ciarallo A, Hickeson M, Derbekyan V.SourceFrom the *Department of Nuclear Medicine, Brandon Regional Health Centre, Brandon, Canada; and †Department of Nuclear Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
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- Avidity develops and sells molecular affinity tools for connecting molecules. Our patented AviTag? technology employs a highly targeted enzymatic conjugation of a single biotin on a unique 15 amino acid peptide tag using the biotin ...
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- 同
- 親和性、アフィニティー
- 関
- avidity
- 固有親和力
- 例えば、抗体の一方の抗原結合部位とB細胞エピトープとの間の平衡定数で表されるような親和性を指す
- 英
- avidity、associative strength, binding force
- 関
- アビディティー、結合活性、アフィニティー
- 英
- avidity
- 関
- アビディティー、結合力
- 英
- avidity
- 関
- 結合活性、結合力
- 関
- avidity
- ELISAによる抗体の定量する際に用いられる指標
- 一次抗体(検体)を結合させた後、8M尿素処理により低いavidityの抗体を抗体から離脱させ、二次抗体の反応量を検出
- 8M尿素処理しないものとの反応量の比をとり、avidity indexとする。
- ウイルスの初感染ではavidity indexが低いはずである。
- 鑑別に用いられるウイルス:風疹ウイルス、サイトメガロウイルス、水痘ウイルス、トキソプラズマ
- 関
- antibody affinity