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Autoscopy is the experience in which an individual perceives the surrounding environment from a different perspective, from a position outside of his or her own body.[1] Autoscopy comes from the ancient Greek αὐτός ("self") and σκοπός ("watcher").
Autoscopy has intrigued humankind from time immemorial and is abundant in the folklore, mythology, and spiritual narratives of most ancient and modern societies. Cases of autoscopy are commonly encountered in modern psychiatric practice.[2] According to neurological research, autoscopic experiences are hallucinations.[1][3]
- 1 Factors
- 2 Related disorders
- 3 See also
- 4 References
- 5 Further reading
- 6 External links
Experiences - are characterized by the presence of the following three factors:
- disembodiment, an apparent location of the self outside one's body;
- impression of seeing the world from an elevated and distanced visuo-spatial perspective or extracorporeal, but egocentric visuo-spatial perspective;
- impression of seeing one's own body from this perspective (autoscopy).
Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, and Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland, have reviewed some of the classical precipitating factors of autoscopy. These are sleep, drug abuse, and general anesthesia as well as neurobiology. They have compared them with recent findings on neurological and neurocognitive mechanisms of the autoscopy. The reviewed data suggest that autoscopic experiences are due to functional disintegration of lower-level multisensory processing and abnormal higher-level self-processing at the temporoparietal junction.[1][4]
Related disorders
Heautoscopy is a term used in psychiatry and neurology for the reduplicative hallucination of "seeing one's own body at a distance".[5] It can occur as a symptom in schizophrenia[6] and epilepsy. Heautoscopy is considered a possible explanation for doppelgänger phenomena.[7]
The term polyopic heutoscopy refers to cases where more than one double is perceived. In 2006, Peter Brugger and his colleagues described the case of a man who experienced five doubles resulting from a tumor in the insular region of his left temporal lobe.[8]
Another related autoscopy disorder is known as negative autoscopy (or negative heautoscopy) a psychological phenomenon in which the sufferer does not see his or her reflection when looking in a mirror. Although the sufferer's image may be seen by others, he or she claims not to see it.[1]
See also
- Out-of-body experience
- Syndrome of subjective doubles
- ^ a b c d Blanke, O., Mohr, C. (2005). Out-of-body experience, heautoscopy, and autoscopic hallucination of neurological origin Implications for neurocognitive mechanisms of corporeal awareness and self consciousness. Brain Research Reviews 50: 184-199.
- ^ Dening, T. R., Berrios, G. E. (1994). Autoscopic phenomena. British Journal of Psychiatry 165: 808-817.
- ^ Brugger, P; Regard, M; Landis, T. (1997). Illusory reduplication of one’s own body: phenomenology and classification of autoscopic phenomena. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 2: 19-38.
- ^ Blanke, O., Castillo, V. (2007). Clinical neuroimaging in epileptic patients with autoscopic hallucinations and out-of-body experiences. Epileptologie 24: 90-96.
- ^ Damas Mora JMR, Jenner FA, Eacott SE (1980). "On heautoscopy or the phenomenon of the double: Case presentation and review of the literature". Br J Med Psychol 53 (1): 75–83. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8341.1980.tb02871.x. PMID 6989391.
- ^ Blackmore S (1986). "Out-of-Body Experiences in Schizophrenia: A Questionnaire Survey". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 174 (10): 615–619. doi:10.1097/00005053-198610000-00006. PMID 3760852.
- ^ Brugger, P; Agosti, R; Regard, M; Wieser, H. G; Landis, T. (1994). Heautoscopy, epilepsy, and suicide. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgergy and Psychiatry 57: 838-839.
- ^ Brugger, P; Blanke, O; Regard, M; Bradford, D. T; Landis, T. (2006). Polyopic heautoscopy: Case report and review of the literature. Cortex: 42 666-674.
Further reading
- Bhaskaran, R; Kumar, A; Nayar, K. K. (1990). Autoscopy in hemianopic field. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry: 53 1016-1017.
- Blanke, O; Landis, T; Seeck, M. (2004). Out-of-body experience and autoscopy of neurological origin. Brain 127: 243-258.
- Brugger, P. (2002). Reflective mirrors: Perspective-taking in autoscopic phenomena. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 7: 179-194.
- Brugger, P; Regard, M; Landis, T. (1996). Unilaterally felt ‘‘presences’’: the neuropsychiatry of one’s invisible doppelgänger. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology 9: 114-122.
- Devinsky, O., Feldmann, E., Burrowes, K; Bromfield, E. (1989). Autoscopic phenomena with seizures. Archives of Neurology 46: 1080-1088.
- Lukianowicz, N. (1958). Autoscopic phenomena. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 80: 199-220.
External links
- (English) -topic and releases - website
English Journal
- Hyperemesis gravidarum: a case of starvation and altered sensorium gestosis (ASG).
- Erick M1.
- Medical hypotheses.Med Hypotheses.2014 May;82(5):572-80. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2014.02.014. Epub 2014 Feb 22.
- Of the problems that complicate child-bearing, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), or severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), is likely one of the most painful with unrelenting retching and vomiting that can lead to measurable injuries such as Mallory-Weiss Syndrome and esophageal rupture, and/or su
- PMID 24613734
- Out-of-body experiences associated with seizures.
- Greyson B1, Fountain NB2, Derr LL1, Broshek DK3.
- Frontiers in human neuroscience.Front Hum Neurosci.2014 Feb 13;8:65. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00065. eCollection 2014.
- Alterations of consciousness are critical factors in the diagnosis of epileptic seizures. With these alterations in consciousness, some persons report sensations of separating from the physical body, experiences that may in rare cases resemble spontaneous out-of-body experiences. This study was desi
- PMID 24592228
Japanese Journal
- 自己像幻視ではどうして私が見えるのだろうか?愛知医大を受診した9症例の検討
- 湯浅 康弘,沖津 宏,山村 陽子,滝沢 宏光,石倉 久嗣,一森 敏弘,石川 正志,木村 秀,阪田 章聖
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 41(1), 64-69, 2008-01-01
- 症例は66歳の男性で,慢性B型肝炎のため経過観察中,2006年2月,#12腹腔内リンパ節腫大を指摘され,内視鏡検査で胃噴門直下に4cm大の1型腫瘍を認め乳頭状腺癌と診断された.腫瘍マーカーはAlpha-fetoprotein(以下,AFP)が333ng/mlと高値であった.T2N3M0:stage IVの診断で化学療法を行った.TS-1 (120mg/日)をday1〜14,day1およびday8に …
- NAID 110006546713
- 解離性障害にみられる「夢中自己像視」--解離性意識変容の病態構造について
Related Links
- Autoscopy is the experience in which the individual while believing himself to be awake sees his or her body position outside of his body. Autoscopy comes from the ancient Greek αὐτός ("self") and σκοπός ("watcher"). Autoscopy has intrigued ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- autoscopy, autoscopic hallucination
- 同
- 二重身体験 Doppelgaenger
- 関
- 幻視
- 英
- phenomenon of duplication
- 同
- 自己像幻視 autoscopy