- 関
- endoscope
- a long slender medical instrument for examining the interior of a bodily organ or performing minor surgery
- 内視鏡(内臓や内腔器官を検査する器具)
English Journal
- [A look into the larynx--two centuries along the path of laryngoscopy].
- Vlajković G1, Sindjelić R, Marković D, Terzić M.
- Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica.Acta Chir Iugosl.2009;56(1):61-6.
- Both the design and purpose of the laryngoscope have been changed significantly since Alfred Kirstein invented his own "laryngeal mirror"--the autoscope. An initially straight, rigid oesophageal tube has been reshaped into a number of laryngeal blade modifications, suitable for use in various patien
- PMID 19504991
- Universal modular glottiscope system: the evolution of a century of design and technique for direct laryngoscopy.
- Zeitels SM1.
- The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. Supplement.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl.1999 Sep;179:2-24.
- Since Kirstein introduced formal direct examination (autoscopy) of the glottis in 1895, a great number of laryngoscopes have been produced to view the vocal folds; however, none have had universal appeal. The primary goals for the designs have been to optimize exposure and to facilitate instrumentat
- PMID 10527286
- A foreign body removed from the larynx with the aid of the autoscope. 1897.
- Thorner M.
- The Journal of laryngology and otology.J Laryngol Otol.1997 Jan;111(1):92.
- PMID 9303928
Japanese Journal
- 藤原 学
- 日本建築学会計画系論文集 (478), 189-197, 1995-12-30
- … In the novel, the engawa and the garden, as the poly-fold points of sight of autoscope, is understood to be intimately related to the development of caracter's self-consciousness. …
- NAID 110004654198
- すい疾患:診断と治療の進歩 IV トピックス 2 超音波内視鏡によるすい疾患の診断
- 三竹 正弘
- 日本内科学会雑誌 81(12), 1975-1979, 1992
- 超音波内視鏡(EUS)は内視鏡先端に高周波数の超音波探触子を装着し,経胃的および経十二指腸的に膵臓を描出する検査法で,小さな膵腫瘍の描出において他の画像診断法の中で最も優れている.また, EUSは膵腫瘍の鑑別診断,膵癌の進行度診断,膵炎,膵奇形の診断に他の検査法では得られない情報を提供する. EUSの所見はERCPと相補的であり,膵疾患の評価にはEUSとERCPの2つの検査が重要である. EUSに …
- NAID 130000900014
- Vehicle detection video through image processing: The autoscope system
- P. G. Michalopoulos
- IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 40(1), 21-29, 1991
- NAID 80005773790
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- Product Overview The AIS-IV Camera is a high-resolution video traffic camera for the Autoscope machine vision processors; Autoscope RackVision Terra and Autoscope RackVision Pro 2. The AIS Camera has a built-in zoom lens ...
- Autoscope is the premier choice for Luxury auto repair for in the Dallas Metroplex. Specializing in Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Land Rover, Jaguar repair, and maintenance. ... Welcome To AUTO SCOPE - Your Dallas Auto ...
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- autoscope