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- autoxidation、autoxidative
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English Journal
- Rhodium nanoparticle-modified screen-printed graphite electrodes for the determination of hydrogen peroxide in tea extracts in the presence of oxygen.
- Gatselou VA1, Giokas DL1, Vlessidis AG1, Prodromidis MI2.
- Talanta.Talanta.2015 Mar;134:482-7. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.11.033. Epub 2014 Nov 25.
- In this work we describe the fabrication of nanostructured electrocatalytic surfaces based on polyethyleneimine (PEI)-supported rhodium nanoparticles (Rh-NP) over graphite screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) for the determination of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of oxygen. Rh-NP, electrostatically
- PMID 25618697
- [Involvement of carbonate/bicarbonate ions in the superoxide-generating reaction of adrenaline autoxidation].
- [No authors listed]
- Biomedit͡sinskai͡a khimii͡a.Biomed Khim.2015 Jan-Feb;61(1):115-24.
- in
English, RussianV cuperoksidgeneriruiushcheĭ reaktsii avtookisleniia adrenalina, protekaiushcheĭ v shchelochnom bufere, kotoraia modeliruet protsess khinoidnogo okisleniia adrenalina v organizme, byla vyiavlena sushchestvennaia rol' karbonat/bikarbonatnykh ionov i sdelano predpolozhenie ob
- High membrane protein oxidation in the human cerebral cortex.
- Granold M1, Moosmann B2, Staib-Lasarzik I3, Arendt T4, Del Rey A5, Engelhard K3, Behl C1, Hajieva P1.
- Redox biology.Redox Biol.2015;4:200-7. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2014.12.013. Epub 2014 Dec 24.
- Oxidative stress is thought to be one of the main mediators of neuronal damage in human neurodegenerative disease. Still, the dissection of causal relationships has turned out to be remarkably difficult. Here, we have analyzed global protein oxidation in terms of carbonylation of membrane proteins a
- PMID 25600696
Japanese Journal
- Zasada I.,Rekawek A.,Zajac D.,Pozdzik M.,Pokorski M.
- BIOPHILIA 1(4), 4_15-4_15, 2011
- … Moreover our study of its antioxidant properties would expand the scope of its application to the food industry as an inhibitor of lipid autooxidation. …
- NAID 130001929226
- イワシクジラ骨格筋ミオグロビンの生化学的および熱力学的性状
- 落合 芳博,渡辺 良明,内田 直行 [他],小澤 秀夫,渡部 終五
- 日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 76(4), 686-694, 2010-07-15
- イワシクジラ骨格筋から,硫安分画とカラムクロマトグラフィーによりミオグロビン(Mb)を精製し,諸性状を調べた。25℃, pH 7.0 における自動酸化速度は 0.04 h−1 であった。pH 7.0 における円二色性の温度依存性から本 Mb の折りたたみにおける見かけの自由エネルギーは−12.6 kJ/mol,転移温度は 64.1℃ と算定された。示差走査熱量分析により 81.8℃ で大きな構造変 …
- NAID 10026550956
Related Links
- Autoxidation is any oxidation that occurs in open air or in presence of oxygen and /or UV radiation and forms peroxides and hydroperoxides. A classic example of autoxidation is that of simple ethers like diethyl ether, whose peroxides can be ...
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- autooxidation、autoxidation
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- autoxidation、autooxidation、autoxidative
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- autooxidation、autoxidative