- of the relatively near future; "the approaching election"; "this coming Thursday"; "the forthcoming holidays"; "the upcoming spring fashions" (同)coming, forthcoming, upcoming
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English Journal
- Small-world networks of neuroblastoma cells cultured in three-dimensional polymeric scaffolds featuring multi-scale roughness.
- Onesto V, Accardo A, Vieu C, Gentile F.
- Neural regeneration research. 2020 Apr;15(4)759-768.
- Understanding the mechanisms underlying cell-surface interaction is of fundamental importance for the rational design of scaffolds aiming at tissue engineering, tissue repair and neural regeneration applications. Here, we examined patterns of neuroblastoma cells cultured in three-dimensional polymer
- PMID 31638101
- Costly avoidance in anxious individuals: Elevated threat avoidance in anxious individuals under high, but not low competing rewards.
- Pittig A, Scherbaum S.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. 2020 Mar;66()101524.
- When avoiding threat conflicts with approaching rewards, balanced responses to threat and reward information is required to guide functional behavior. Elevated threat avoidance characterizes anxious psychopathology. However, little is known about the mutual impact of threat and reward information on
- PMID 31707292
- Does approaching puppies and avoiding a dead cat improve the effectiveness of approach-avoidance training for changing the evaluation of feared stimuli?
- Mertens G, Van Dessel P, Engelhard IM.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. 2020 Mar;66()101509.
- Approach-avoidance training (AAT) is a procedure for changing people's likes and dislikes that involves executing repeated approach (e.g., pulling a joystick towards yourself) and avoidance actions (e.g., pushing a joystick away from yourself) in response to target stimuli. Typically, this leads to
- PMID 31470278
Japanese Journal
- 視点と言語表現:移動動詞「行く/来る」の使い分けについて
- 大城 玲奈
- 東京女子大学言語文化研究 23, 36-51, 20150301-00-00
- … However, in thesame situation in the Hichiku dialect, the speaker can use kuru if he/she is on friendly termswith the hearer.The second part of this article reports on a survey of the use of iku in the Hichiku dialect.Nine native speakers of the dialect were interviewed to find the criteria they have on the‶closeness"that allows the use of kuru when the speaker is approaching the hearer. …
- NAID 120005576113
- ACOUSTICAL LETTER : Perception of approaching and retreating sounds
- Okada Shuhei,Hirahara Tatsuya
- Acoustical science and technology 36(5), 449-452, 2015-09
- NAID 40020571813
- <Articles>An English as a Lingua Franca Model for English Teaching in Japan: Pedagogical Implications
- Justin Harris
- 生駒経済論叢 13(1), 99-114, 2015-07
- … Then, after a discussion of the background and rationale for such a shift in focus, the article finally introduces practical suggestions for approaching the teaching of English in classrooms in Japan that takes into consideration the multi-cultural nature of English today. …
- NAID 120005648255
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