- able to attract interest or draw favorable attention; "He added an appealing and memorable figure to popular American mythology"- Vincent Starrett; "an appealing sense of humor"; "the idea of having enough money to retire at fifty is very appealing"
- not able to attract favorable attention; "they have made the place as unappealing as possible"; "was forced to talk to his singularly unappealing hostess"
- in an unappealing manner; "the kitchen was unappealingly dirty"
- in an appealing manner; "the table was set appealingly"
- 心を動かす,魅力的な
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/22 14:55:12」(JST)
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Appeal may refer to:
- Appeal – in law an appeal is a challenge of a judicial judgement to a higher authority, usually called an appellate court.
- Appeal procedure before the European Patent Office
- Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences, in the United States
- Appeal (motion) – in parliamentary procedure an appeal is a challenge of the chair's ruling.
- Various types of informal fallacy are described as an appeal to something:
- Appeal to tradition
- Appeal to novelty
- Appeal to probability
- Appeal to authority
- Argument from ignorance (appeal to ignorance)
- Argumentum ad populum (appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people)
- Appeal to emotion
- Appeal to flattery
- Appeal to fear
- Appeal to consequences
- Appeal to motive
- Appeal to pity
- Appeal to ridicule
- Appeal to spite
- Argumentum ad baculum (appeal to force, appeal to the stick)
- Appeal to nature
Other uses
- Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, an 1829 abolitionist pamphlet written by David Walker
- Appeal of 18 June, Charles de Gaulle's call for French resistance against Nazi Germany after the Battle of France.
- The Appeal, a novel by John Grisham.
- The Commercial Appeal, a daily newspaper in Memphis, Tennessee.
- The Mariam Appeal, a political campaign established in 1998.
- For an object's or person's appeal, see preference or Taste (sociology)
In sports:
- Appeal (cricket), a request to an umpire for a ruling on whether a cricket batsman is out.
- An appeal play in baseball.
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English Journal
- Multi-exemplar affinity propagation.
- Wang CD, Lai JH, Suen CY, Zhu JY.SourceSun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.
- IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence.IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell.2013 Sep;35(9):2223-37. doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2013.28.
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Japanese Journal
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