- the act of treating with medicines or remedies
- anxiety relieving
- 〈C〉〈U〉薬剤,医薬品 / 〈U〉薬剤を添加(投入)すること;薬物治療
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- 1. 成人の単極性うつ病:抗不安薬による治療unipolar depression in adults treatment with anxiolytics [show details]
… (none) to 10 (extreme). In treating unipolar major depression with an adjunctive anxiolytic, the point at which the drug is added depends upon the severity of the depressive syndrome: Severe – For severe …
- 2. 熱傷に伴う疼痛と掻痒感のマネージメントmanagement of burn wound pain and itching [show details]
…a Caucasian boy Pharmacologic agents used to treat burn pain include opioid analgesics, nonopioid analgesics, anxiolytics, and anesthetics. The type of medication used is determined by the severity …
- 3. 高齢者に行う麻酔anesthesia for the older adult [show details]
… alpha2 agonist sedative with anxiolytic and mild analgesic properties that is administered by continuous infusion during monitored anesthesia care, or as an adjuvant agent for total intravenous anesthesia …
- 4. 成人における過敏性腸症候群の治療treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in adults [show details]
… anxiety that may be contributing to symptoms . Side effects of anxiolytics include the risk of habituation, rebound withdrawal, and drug interactions. Furthermore, benzodiazepines may lower pain thresholds …
- 5. 周術期の投薬マネージメントperioperative medication management [show details]
…surgery may be useful for delaying the need for postoperative re-dosing. In one center, anxiolytic medication use on admission (present in 16 percent of 1846 patients) was associated with a greater risk …
English Journal
- Behavioral effects of buspirone in a mouse model of posttraumatic stress disorder.
- Malikowska-Racia N, Popik P, Sałat K.
- Behavioural brain research. 2020 Mar;381()112380.
- Buspirone presents a unique profile of action, which involves activation of 5-HT receptors and complex effects on D-like dopaminergic receptors. This medication is studied in terms of potential clinical repositioning to conditions that are associated with dopaminergic dysfunctions including schizoph
- PMID 31765726
- Sedation and Analgesia for Cardiac Catheterisation and Coronary Intervention.
- Whitehead NJ, Clark AL, Williams TD, Collins NJ, Boyle AJ.
- Heart, lung & circulation. 2020 Feb;29(2)169-177.
- While cardiac catheterisation is typically well tolerated, discomfort and anxiety are commonplace. Sedation using anxiolytic and analgesic medications has the potential to ameliorate such symptoms, however, is variably employed, with lack of standardised regimens and limited evidence. We performed a
- PMID 31601511
- Treatment patterns and sequences of pharmacotherapy for patients diagnosed with depression in the United States: 2014 through 2019.
- Kern DM, Cepeda MS, Defalco F, Etropolski M.
- BMC psychiatry. 2020 Jan;20(1)4.
- Understanding how patients are treated in the real-world is vital to identifying potential gaps in care. We describe the current pharmacologic treatment patterns for the treatment of depression. Patients with depression were identified from four large national claims databases during 1/1/2014-1/31/2
- PMID 31900133
Japanese Journal
- 不安症(不安障害)に対する抗うつ薬単剤投与 : 抗不安薬を橋渡しとして (特集 不安と強迫に対する各種治療法 : メンタルクリニックなど外来診療での実践)
- 手術、医療処置、検査への音楽療法と音楽ベースの介入
- Ghetti Claire M.
- 音楽医療研究 7(1), 1-10, 2014
- 医療処置や手術は身体面だけでなく心理面にも作用を及ぼし、恐れや不安は処置自体にも影響を及ぼすことがある。医療処置の前に不安が増大していると、抗不安剤の必要量が増え、それが転じて医療費や副作用の増加をまねくことにもなりかねない。不安や苦悩は疼痛感受性を増大し、術後の不充分な疼痛管理は回復期の合併症を増加させることもある。音楽療法の支援的で柔軟なアプローチが患者の感情的な状態をポジティブにし、苦悩を軽 …
- NAID 130004955893
- 透析患者に対する緩和治療 : 終末期心不全合併の1例と考察
- 辻 博子,松井 敏,長尾 和浩 [他],小野 晋司
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 45(4), 375-381, 2012-04-28
- わが国における透析患者の死因の第一位は依然として心不全であり,透析患者の高齢化,糖尿病性腎症の増加や多発合併症に伴う重症化により終末期心不全への対応はますます重要となっている.しかしながら本邦において,積極的治療介入が不能なステージの透析患者に対する緩和医療のあり方に,透析中止を含め明確なガイドラインは未だない.われわれは69歳,肥大型心筋症末期の1例に対して,多職種からなる緩和ケアチームの参加を …
- NAID 10030813987
Related Links
- Don’t take more than you’ve been prescribed. An overdose of an anxiolytic drug can result in coma or death. Read more: Other drugs to treat anxiety » Talk to your doctor Many types of ...
- Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics are medicines that work on the central nervous system to relieve anxiety, aid sleep, or have a calming effect. The benzodiazepines are the main class of drugs that fit into this category.
- 3. Buspirone Buspirone has its pros and cons. However, it is still a very interesting type of anxiolytic. Its main advantage is that it has few side effects, does not interact with other substances, does not affect cognitive performance and does not cause sedation. ...
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- 薬理学、抗不安薬一覧
- ベンゾジアゼピン系薬物:鎮静薬、催眠薬(睡眠薬)、抗不安薬、抗痙攣薬、筋弛緩薬
- セロトニン受容体作動薬:鎮静作用△。催眠×。抗痙攣×、筋弛緩×。抗不安○
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- medications
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- drugs