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- antegrade、anterogradely、orthodromic、orthodromically
- of amnesia; affecting time immediately following trauma
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English Journal
- Ultrastructural analysis of rat ventrolateral periaqueductal gray projections to the A5 cell group.
- Bajic D, Van Bockstaele EJ, Proudfit HK.SourceDepartment of Pharmacology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 835 S. Wolcott Avenue, Chicago, IL 60612, USA. Electronic address: dusica.bajic@childrens.harvard.edu.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2012 Nov 8;224:145-59. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2012.08.021. Epub 2012 Aug 20.
- Stimulation of neurons in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (PAG) produces antinociception as well as cardiovascular depressor responses that are mediated in part by pontine noradrenergic neurons. A previous report using light microscopy has described a pathway from neurons in the ventrolateral
- PMID 22917613
- Alteration of autobiographical memory in amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
- Tramoni E, Felician O, Koric L, Balzamo M, Joubert S, Ceccaldi M.SourceINSERM U 751, Marseille, France; Aix-Marseille Université, Faculté de Médecine, Marseille, France. Electronic address: eve.tramoni@univmed.fr.
- Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.Cortex.2012 Nov;48(10):1310-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2011.09.002. Epub 2011 Sep 14.
- The concept of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) concerns a population of older individuals at high risk of developing probable Alzheimer's disease. Although anterograde memory deficits have been largely documented in patients with aMCI, little is known about the integrity of their autobiogr
- PMID 21968054
Japanese Journal
- A case of an iatrogenic esophageal perforation salvaged by anterograde-retrograde rendezvous approach and stenting
- Park Jin-Seok,Bang Byoung Wook,Kim Hyung Kil [他]
- Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal Society 12(1), 86-90, 2015-01
- NAID 40020340529
- 未知相貌に対するhyperfamiliarityを呈した脳炎の21歳女性例
- 宮腰 夏輝,板東 充秋,清水 俊夫,川田 明広,松原 四郎,中野 今治
- 臨床神経学 advpub(0), 2015
- 症例は21歳の女性.先行感染後,発熱,頭痛,痙攣発作を生じ入院.前向性健忘,逆向性健忘が残存したが,それ以外は生活に不自由のない状況であり痙攣再発もなかった.髄液で軽度の細胞数増加あり.脳波では左側頭部起源がうたがわれる鋭波をみとめた.入院5日目に初対面の医師や看護師,入院中の患者に対し会ったはずがないのに以前にみたことがあるように思うと訴え,この症状は約20日間持続した.既知の相貌に関する異常は …
- NAID 130005071301
- 記憶障害のみを呈しMR検査で脳血管障害が示唆された2例
- 賣豆紀 智美,藤本 茂,松木 孝之,鈴木 聡,石束 隆男,北園 孝成
- 臨床神経学 55(3), 145-150, 2015
- 症例1は77歳男性.一過性記憶障害を主訴に来院した.MRI拡散強調画像で両側海馬に点状の異常信号をみとめた.経食道心エコーで大動脈弓部に6.80 mmの複合粥腫病変をみとめ,大動脈原性脳塞栓症と診断した.症例2は66歳女性.一過性記憶障害を主訴に来院した.MRIで急性期脳梗塞の所見はなかったが,MRAで右後大脳動脈分枝閉塞とその後の再開通を確認し,一過性脳虚血発作と診断した.経食道心エコーで大動脈 …
- NAID 130004921332
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- 英
- anterograde、antegrade、orthodromic、anterogradely、orthodromically
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- 順行的、順方向性、順方向
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- antegrade、anterograde、anterogradely、orthodromically
- 英
- anterograde、orthodromic、anterogradely、orthodromically
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- 順行性、順方向性、順方向
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- antegrade、anterograde、anterogradely、orthodromic
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- anterograde、anterogradely、orthodromic、orthodromically
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- antegrade、anterograde、orthodromic、orthodromically