- a feeling of delight at being entertained
- a commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement (同)funfair, pleasure ground
- an arcade featuring coin-operated game machines
- 〈U〉『楽しみ』,慰み,おかしさ / 〈C〉『楽しみごと』,娯楽
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For other uses, see Amusement (disambiguation).
"Amuse" redirects here. For the Japanese entertainment company, see Amuse, Inc.
This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2008) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) |
Amusement, Viktor Vasnetsov
Amusement is the state of experiencing humorous and entertaining events or situations while the person or animal actively maintains the experience, and is associated with enjoyment, happiness, laughter and pleasure.
Current studies have not yet reached consensus on the exact purpose of amusement, though theories have been advanced in the fields of psychology, psychiatry and sociology. In addition, the precise mechanism that causes a given element (image, sound, behavior, etc.) to be perceived as more or less 'amusing' than another, similar element to a particular individual is not clearly understood.
External links
Look up amusement in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Amusement |
- Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes by J. M. Judy
Further reading
- Brockton Art Center (Brockton, Mass.). American Pastimes: [exhibition catalog], Brockton Art Center, Fuller Memorial, Brockton, Massachusetts, Jan. 27-Apr. 17, 1977. Roger T. Dunn ... curator [and author of the] catalogue; research assistant, Richard Campbell. Brockton, Mass.: Brockton Art Center, Fuller Memorial; Bedford, Mass.: printed by W.E. Andrews Co., 1976. 44 obl. p., amply ill. Without ISBN
Emotions (list)
Emotions |
- Adoration
- Affection
- Agitation
- Agony
- Amusement
- Anger
- Anguish
- Annoyance
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Arousal
- Attraction
- Awe
- Boredom
- Calmness
- Compassion
- Contempt
- Contentment
- Defeat
- Depression
- Desire
- Disappointment
- Disgust
- Ecstasy
- Embarrassment
- Empathy
- Enthrallment
- Enthusiasm
- Envy
- Euphoria
- Excitement
- Fear
- Frustration
- Gratitude
- Grief
- Guilt
- Happiness
- Hatred
- Homesickness
- Hope
- Horror
- Hostility
- Humiliation
- Hysteria
- Infatuation
- Insecurity
- Insult
- Interest
- Irritation
- Isolation
- Jealousy
- Joy
- Loneliness
- Longing
- Love
- Lust
- Melancholy
- Mono no aware
- Neglect
- Nostalgia
- Panic
- Passion
- Pity
- Pleasure
- Pride
- Rage
- Regret
- Rejection
- Remorse
- Resentment
- Sadness
- Saudade
- Schadenfreude
- Sehnsucht
- Sentimentality
- Shame
- Shock
- Shyness
- Sorrow
- Spite
- Stress
- Suffering
- Surprise
- Sympathy
- Tenseness
- Wonder
- Worry
World views |
- Nihilism
- Optimism
- Pessimism
- Reclusion
- Weltschmerz
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