English Journal
- Genetic changes following hybridization and genome doubling in synthetic Brassica napus.
- Xu Y, Xu H, Wu X, Fang X, Wang J.Author information Engineering Research Center of Wetland Agriculture in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Education, College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, Hubei, China.AbstractGenetic changes were investigated in two sets of independently synthesized Brasscia napus allopolyploids by the AFLP approach in the present study. We found that 1.17 % of the loci showed genetic changes following both hybridization and genome doubling in the synthesized B. napus F04J2 relative to its diploid progenitors, B. rapa (AA genome) and B. oleracea (CC genome). No significant difference between the proportion of A-genome-specific genetic changes and that of C-genome-specific genetic changes was detected in B. napus F04J2. Approximately 0.6 % of the loci displayed genetic changes following somatic genome doubling in the amphidiploid B. napus DCE11 relative to the amphihaploid in the dimorphic plants. This study showed that rapid genetic changes occurred after hybridization and/or genome doubling in synthesized B. napus allopolyploids and indicated that both hybridization and genome doubling could affect the genomic architecture in newly formed allopolyploids.
- Biochemical genetics.Biochem Genet.2012 Aug;50(7-8):616-24. doi: 10.1007/s10528-012-9505-5. Epub 2012 Apr 27.
- Genetic changes were investigated in two sets of independently synthesized Brasscia napus allopolyploids by the AFLP approach in the present study. We found that 1.17 % of the loci showed genetic changes following both hybridization and genome doubling in the synthesized B. napus F04J2 relative to i
- PMID 22538518
- The plant host Brassica napus induces in the pathogen Verticillium longisporum the expression of functional catalase peroxidase which is required for the late phase of disease.
- Singh S, Braus-Stromeyer SA, Timpner C, Valerius O, von Tiedemann A, Karlovsky P, Druebert C, Polle A, Braus GH.Author information Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik, Georg-August Universität, 37077 Göttingen, Germany. gbraus@gwdg.deAbstractThe devastating soilborne fungal pathogen Verticillium longisporum is host specific to members of the family Brassicaceae, including oilseed rape (Brassica napus) as the economically most important crop. The fungus infects through the roots and causes stunting and early senescence of susceptible host plants and a marked decrease in crop yield. We show here that V. longisporum reacts to the presence of B. napus xylem sap with the production of six distinct upregulated and eight downregulated proteins visualized by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Identification of 10 proteins by mass spectrometry revealed that all upregulated proteins are involved in oxidative stress response. The V. longisporum catalase peroxidase (VlCPEA) was the most upregulated protein and is encoded by two isogenes, VlcpeA-1 and VlcpeA-2. Both genes are 98% identical, corroborating the diploid or "amphihaploid" status of the fungus. Knock downs of both VlcpeA genes reduced protein expression by 80% and resulted in sensitivity against reactive oxygen species. Whereas saprophytic growth and the initial phase of the plant infection were phenotypically unaffected, the mutants were not able to perform the late phases of disease. We propose that the catalase peroxidase plays a role in protecting the fungus from the oxidative stress generated by the host plant at an advanced phase of the disease.
- Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI.Mol Plant Microbe Interact.2012 Apr;25(4):569-81. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-08-11-0217.
- The devastating soilborne fungal pathogen Verticillium longisporum is host specific to members of the family Brassicaceae, including oilseed rape (Brassica napus) as the economically most important crop. The fungus infects through the roots and causes stunting and early senescence of susceptible hos
- PMID 22112218
- Rapid alterations of gene expression and cytosine methylation in newly synthesized Brassica napus allopolyploids.
- Xu Y, Zhong L, Wu X, Fang X, Wang J.Author information College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China. yanhaox@yahoo.com.cnAbstractAllopolyploidy is an important speciation mechanism and is ubiquitous among plants. Brassica napus is a model system for studying the consequences of hybridization and polyploidization on allopolyploid genome. In this research, two sets of plant materials were used to investigate the transcriptomic and epigenetic changes in the early stages of allopolyploid formation. The first comparison was between a synthetic B. napus allotetraploid and its diploid progenitors, B. rapa (AA genome) and B. oleracea (CC genome). Using cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) and methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) approaches, ~4.09 and 6.84% of the sequences showed changes in gene expression and DNA methylation in synthesized B. napus compared to its diploid progenitors. The proportions of C-genome-specific gene silencing and DNA methylation alterations were significantly greater than those of A-genome-specific alterations. The second comparison was between amphihaploid and amphidiploid B. napus organs grown on synthesized dimorphic plants. About 0.73% of the cDNA-AFLP fragments and 1.94% of the MSAP fragments showed changes in gene expression and DNA methylation. We sequenced 103 fragments that differed in the synthetic/parental or the amphihaploid/amphidiploid cDNA-AFLP and MSAP comparisons. Sequence analysis revealed these fragments were involved in various biological pathways. Our results provided evidence for genome-wide changes in gene expression and DNA methylation occurring immediately after hybridization and polyploidization in synthetic B. napus. Moreover, this study contributed to the elucidation of genome doubling effects on responses of transcriptome and epigenetics in B. napus.
- Planta.Planta.2009 Feb;229(3):471-83. doi: 10.1007/s00425-008-0844-8. Epub 2008 Nov 8.
- Allopolyploidy is an important speciation mechanism and is ubiquitous among plants. Brassica napus is a model system for studying the consequences of hybridization and polyploidization on allopolyploid genome. In this research, two sets of plant materials were used to investigate the transcriptomic
- PMID 18998158
Japanese Journal
- Cytogenetic and Molecular Markers Mapping of Translocations in the Wheat Cultivar Shirodaruma and Its Ancestor Daruma.
- , , ,
- CYTOLOGIA 63(2), 115-124, 1998
- … An amphihaploid plant containing telosome 4BS and the translocated chromosome 6B was isolated from the progeny of the cross; … Southern hybridization of digested DNA from the isolated amphihaploid plant with probes having RFLP markers <I>Xglk</I> … On the other hand, the isolated amphihaploid plant showed significantly high frequency of meiotic pairing between homoeologous chromosomes that was probably atributed to inhibition or imbalance in the normal <I>Ph</I> …
- NAID 130003780475
- ダイコンとBrassica属野生種との新しい属間雑種植物の作出
- 房 相佑,飯田 大助,金子 幸雄 [他],松澤 康男
- Breeding science 47(3), 223-228, 1997-09-01
- ダイコン(Raphanus sativus)とBrassica属の3種4系統(B. fruticulosa ssp. cossoneana strain 201, B. fruticulosa ssp. mauritanica strain 401, B. maurorum and B. oxyrrhina)との交雑親和性を明らかにするとともに属間雑種植物を作出するため正逆交雑を行った。交雑親和性 …
- NAID 110001815377
- Production of New Intergeneric Hybrids between Raphanus sativus and Brassica Wild Species.
- 房 相佑,飯田 大助,金子 幸雄,松澤 康男
- 育種学雑誌 47(3), 223-228, 1997
- ダイコン(Raphanus sativus)とBrassica属の3種4系統(B. fruticulosa ssp. cossoneana strain 201, B. fruticulosa ssp. mauritanica strain 401, B. maurorum and B. oxyrrhina)との交雑親和性を明らかにするとともに属間雑種植物を作出するため正逆交雑を行った。交雑親和性 …
- NAID 130003479278
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