- 口論,激論
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- 1. 中手骨骨頭骨折metacarpal head fractures [show details]
…relatively uncommon and usually result from a direct blow, crush injury, or projectile. During an altercation, a metacarpal head fracture may be sustained when the patient strikes someone or something with …
- 2. 成人におけるフェンシクリジン(PCP)中毒phencyclidine pcp intoxication in adults [show details]
…According to a case series of 1000 confirmed PCP-intoxicated patients, 13 percent were involved in an altercation, of which 33 percent involved a gun or knife used to threaten others and 22 percent involved self-inflicted…
- 3. 中手骨頸部骨折metacarpal neck fractures [show details]
…the metacarpal head since this site is particularly prone to injury caused by a tooth during an altercation (sometimes called a "fight bite" ). Any evidence of laceration or skin breakdown requires aggressive…
- 4. 成人の顔面外傷の初回評価とマネージメントinitial evaluation and management of facial trauma in adults [show details]
…the examination in facial trauma, which may result from violent crime, physical abuse, domestic altercation, or an industrial accident. Careful documentation, including photographs or drawings, assists in…
English Journal
- A qualitative study exploring moral distress in the ICU team: the importance of unit functionality and intrateam dynamics.
- Bruce CR1, Miller SM, Zimmerman JL.
- Critical care medicine.Crit Care Med.2015 Apr;43(4):823-31. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000822.
- OBJECTIVE: Our study objectives were to determine the key sources of moral distress in diverse critical care professionals and how they manage it in the context of team-based models.DESIGN: Qualitative case study methodology using three recently resolved clinical cases.SETTING: A medical and surgica
- PMID 25525754
- Nature journal's plan to fast track paper for a fee prompts resignation from editorial board.
- Hawkes N1.
- BMJ (Clinical research ed.).BMJ.2015 Mar 31;350:h1761. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h1761.
- PMID 25829179
- CIHR modifies virtual peer review amidst complaints.
- Webster P1.
- CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne.CMAJ.2015 Mar 17;187(5):E151-2. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.109-4995. Epub 2015 Feb 17.
- PMID 25691789
Japanese Journal
- 協同の広場 公開討論会 : 激論!これまでの日本、そしてこれからの日本を考える
- 竪 十萌子,吉原 毅,内田 聖子,岡島 正和,元山 仁士郎,西谷 修,永戸 祐三
- 所報協同の発見 (288), 62-80, 2016-11
- NAID 40021033191
- 13 史料紹介 宝暦十年十一月晦日「陸奥国本吉郡平磯村と岩尻村の境相論につき平磯村村役人連判願書」
- 越智 信也,Ochi Shinya
- 国際常民文化研究叢書1 -漁場利用の比較研究-=International Center for Folk Culture Studies Monographs 1 -Comparative Research on Fishing Ground Use-, 195-204, 2013-03-01
- NAID 120005342248
Related Links
- altercation 【名】〔短時間の激しい〕口論、言い争い【発音】ɔ̀ːltərkéiʃən【カナ】オールタケイション【変化】《複》altercations - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
- Altercation definition is - a noisy, heated, angry dispute; also : noisy controversy. How to use altercation in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of altercation. Choose the Right Synonym for altercation quarrel, wrangle, altercation, squabble mean a noisy dispute usually marked by anger. ...
- altercationとは。意味や和訳。[名]激論,口論have an altercation with a person人と口論する - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。
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