- 関
- afunctional、loss of function
English Journal
- [Islet transplantation for treatment of type-1 diabetes mellitus].
- Saudek F, Girman P, Kríz J, Berková Z, Zacharovová K, Koblas T, Pektorová L, Vávrová E, Mindlová M, Habart D, Peregrin J, Lipár K, Oliverius M, Dovolilová E, Cíhalová E, Bobek V.SourceInstitut klinické a experimentální medicíny Praha, Klinika diabetologie, Centrum diabetologie. frsa@medicon.cz
- Casopís lékar̆ů c̆eských.Cas Lek Cesk.2011;150(1):49-55.
- BACKGROUND: Organ pancreas transplantation represents the only method enabling long-term normalization of glucose metabolism in type-1 diabetic subjects so far. Unfortunately, surgical complications of this kind of therapy are still frequent. As a safer alternative, transplantation of isolated pancr
- PMID 21404489
Japanese Journal
- 発話における引用表現be like の機能について
- 白水 桂子
- 經營と經濟 : 長崎工業經營専門學校大東亞經濟研究所年報 91(4), 161-171, 2012-03-00
- … This expression has afunction of an introductory item for reported speech, internal thought,non-speech sound, facial expressions and body language. …
- NAID 110009494187
- プルラリズムとしての「サステイナビリティ」概念 : 「サステイナビリティ(持続可能性)概念」の二義性について
- 大森 一三
- サステイナビリティ研究 1, 109-118, 2010-08-00
- … Environmental ethics have afunction as References, which enable the dialogue for formulation of Pluralistical" Sustainability", betweenpeople with different region and different ages. …
- NAID 40019261535
- ハドロン衝突型加速器による非標準トップ-グルオン結合の探索
- 大熊 一正,日置 善郎,Ohkuma Kazumasa,Hioki Zenro
- 徳島大学総合科学部自然科学研究 = Natural Science Research, The University of Tokushima 23(2), 19-28, 2009-07-06
- … We calculate the total cross section σ(pp → t¯t) at LHC, and also the top-quark-jet angular distribution in t¯t productions at both Tevatron and LHC as afunction of two anomalous-coupling parameters, i.e., the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments of the top, which are constrained by the total cross section σ(p¯p → t¯tX) measured at Tevatron. …
- NAID 120002693582
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- Domain, Codomain and Range In our examples above the set "X" is called the Domain, the set "Y" is called the Codomain, and the set of elements that get pointed to in Y (the actual values produced by the function) is called the Range
- prototype.jsよりjqueryのほうが流行ってそうなので、できるだけjQueryを使うようにしている。といっても、まだまだ使い始めたばっかりで右往左往。 通常、jQueryからの操作は、 [js] $(“CSSセレクタ”).html(); [/js] みたいな使い方をする。
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- 英
- loss of function、afunction、afunctional
- 関
- afunction、afunctional
- 関
- afunction、loss of function