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English Journal
- Wrinkled, wavelength-tunable graphene-based surface topographies for directing cell alignment and morphology.
- Wang Z1, Tonderys D2, Leggett SE3, Williams EK2, Kiani MT2, Steinberg RS4, Qiu Y4, Wong IY5, Hurt RH6.
- Carbon.Carbon N Y.2016 Feb 1;97:14-24.
- Textured surfaces with periodic topographical features and long-range order are highly attractive for directing cell-material interactions. They mimic physiological environments more accurately than planar surfaces and can fundamentally alter cell alignment, shape, gene expression, and cellular asse
- PMID 25848137
- Platforms for energy and nutrient recovery from domestic wastewater: A review.
- Batstone DJ1, Hülsen T2, Mehta CM3, Keller J2.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2015 Dec;140:2-11. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.10.021. Epub 2014 Nov 6.
- Alternative domestic wastewater treatment processes that recover energy and nutrients while achieving acceptable nutrient limits (<5mgNL(-1)) are a key challenge. Major drivers are value and availability of phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium, and increasing energy costs. The two major platforms
- PMID 25455679
- Solid-state encapsulation of Ag and sulfadiazine on zeolite Y carrier.
- Mavrodinova V1, Popova M2, Yoncheva K3, Mihály J4, Szegedi Á5.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2015 Nov 15;458:32-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.07.026. Epub 2015 Jul 13.
- HYPOTHESIS: A new simplified procedure for encapsulation of antibacterial silver nanoparticles by Solid-state Ion Exchange (SSIE) procedure over zeolite Y, followed by deposition of sulfadiazine (SD) by dry mixing was examined for the preparation of topical antibacterial formulations. The ion-exchan
- PMID 26203589
Japanese Journal
- 吸着繊維を用いた閉鎖域内汚染海水からのセシウムの除去
- 染谷 孝明,浅井 志保,藤原 邦夫 [他]
- 日本海水学会誌 = Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 69(1), 42-48, 2015-02
- NAID 40020344474
- Adsorptive Removal of Pb(Ⅱ) Ions from Aqueous Solution by (NH₄)₂S₂O₈ Oxidized Activated Carbons
- Machida Motoi,Chensun Shimeng,Amano Yoshimasa [他]
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 88(1), 127-132, 2015-01
- NAID 40020321818
- 柿渋や渋柿廃棄物を利用した放射性元素の除去技術の開発
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