- attach or add; "I adjoin a copy of your my lawyers letter"
- a hotel room that shares a wall with another hotel room
- …‘に'『隣接する』 / (…に)隣接する,隣り合う《+『to』+『名』》
- 隣り合う,隣の
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- 1. 胸腔内気道の先天異常および気管食道瘻 congenital anomalies of the intrathoracic airways and tracheoesophageal fistula
English Journal
- Thermodynamic analysis of the disorder-to-α-helical transition of 18.5-kDa myelin basic protein reveals an equilibrium intermediate representing the most compact conformation.
- Vassall KA1, Jenkins AD1, Bamm VV1, Harauz G2.
- Journal of molecular biology.J Mol Biol.2015 May 22;427(10):1977-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2015.03.011. Epub 2015 Mar 24.
- The intrinsically disordered, 18.5-kDa isoform of myelin basic protein (MBP) is a peripheral membrane protein that is essential to proper myelin formation in the central nervous system. MBP acts in oligodendrocytes both to adjoin membrane leaflets to each other in forming myelin and as a hub in nume
- PMID 25816771
- Macroscopic and histological investigation of guanaco footpads (Lama guanicoe, Müller 1776).
- König HE1, Skewes O, Helmreich M, Böck P.
- Journal of morphology.J Morphol.2015 Mar;276(3):331-41. doi: 10.1002/jmor.20343. Epub 2014 Nov 18.
- The surface of guanaco footpads is characterized by hairless skin with up to 4-mm-thick stratum corneum that protects from abrasion. The horny layer is pliable and elastic, and ensures firm contact with irregular ground. It is padded with a particular structure of the subcutaneous layer, the digital
- PMID 25403495
- [The early prophylaxis of postoperative stenosis by means of modifiedendonasal functional dacryocystorhinostomy].
- Baĭmenov AZ1.
- Vestnik otorinolaringologii.Vestn Otorinolaringol.2015;(2):60-62.
- The objective of the present study was to increase the effectiveness of the prevention of the postoperative complications by means of the newly proposed modified variant of endonasalfunctional dacryocystorhinostomy. The method was used to treat 230 patients presenting with chronic dacryocystitis. It
- PMID 26145747
Japanese Journal
- ASD児の早期療育 : 遊具での遊びを通したコミュニケーション機能向上への取り組み
- 西脇 雅彦
- 東京福祉大学・大学院紀要 = Bulletin of Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare 4(2), 137-144, 2014-03
- NAID 40020184906
- 熱負荷計算における非空調空間の仮定法に関する研究 : 第1報-外壁置換法の提案
- 木本 慶介,石野 久彌,郡 公子 [他],佐藤 誠,村上 周三
- 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 (195), 1-9, 2013-06-05
- 空調室の多くは外壁を除いたほとんどの面が非空調空間に接している。実務における熱負荷計算法では,空調室のみをモデル化して計算を行う単室計算が一般的に用いられている。しかし,単室計算では,非空調空間の熱的影響を設計者が仮定しないと計算を行えない。そこで,単室計算において,非空調室の影響を理論的かつより精度良く計算可能な手法として"外壁置換法"を提案する。サイドコアオフィスをモデルに,非空調空間の熱的影 …
- NAID 110009684991
- キャパシタを用いた蓄電装置の充放電制御:—隣接キャパシタを含めた並列化によるキャパシタの均圧化—
- 竹田 佳史,石山 琢麻,藤川 佳子,竹田 晴見
- 計測自動制御学会論文集 49(10), 926-935, 2013
- … In that case, when a multiple connection part is required, by constituting multiple connection parts not only including a pair of capacitors which constitute each block but two capacitors which adjoin mutually, inter-terminal voltage of all the capacitors is equalized, and the charge-and-discharge efficiency of electric power storage equipment is raised. …
- NAID 130004549699
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- ad·join (ə-join′) v. ad·joined, ad·join·ing, ad·joins v.tr. 1. To be next to; be contiguous to: property that adjoins ours. 2. To attach: "I do adjoin a copy of the letter that I have received" (John Fowles). v.intr. To be contiguous. [Middle ...
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