English Journal
- A Cause of Permanent Ketosis: GLUT-1 Deficiency.
- Chenouard A, Vuillaumier-Barrot S, Seta N, Kuster A.
- JIMD reports. 2015 ;18()79-83.
- GLUT-1-deficiency syndrome (GLUT1-DS; OMIM 606777) is a treatable metabolic disorder caused by a mutation of SLC2A1 gene. The functional deficiency of the GLUT1 protein leads to an impaired glucose transport into the brain, resulting in neurologic disorders.We report on a 6-month-old boy with prepra
- PMID 25256448
- [Assessment of the natural history and clinical presentation of acetonemic vomiting].
- Krakowczyk H, Machura E, Rusek-Zychma M, Chrobak E, Ziora K.
- Przeglad lekarski. 2014 ;71(6)323-7.
- Ketosis in children may result from physiological adaptation to situations like fasting, fat-rich diet, straining physical activity, as well as from serious endocrine or metabolic disorders. The most frequently diagnosed cause of ketoacidosis are states of acetonemia and acetonuria with vomiting, du
- PMID 25344973
- Measuring postmortem glycated hemoglobin - A comparison of three methods.
- Keltanen T, Sajantila A, Valonen T, Vanhala T, Lindroos K.
- Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2013 Mar;15(2)72-8.
- Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a glycoprotein formed as a result of the non-enzymatic addition of d-glucose to the hemoglobin β-chain. The amount of HbA1c in the blood is dependent on mean glucose levels present during the 1-2 months preceding measurement, and it is an indicator of long-term glycem
- PMID 23089141
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- Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen. Mehr Informationen! Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch). Vielen
- acetonemic vomiting 《病理》アセトン血性嘔吐(症) {けつせい おうと(しょう)} acute vomiting 急性嘔吐 {きゅうせい おうと} anticipatory vomiting 《医》予期嘔吐 {よき おうと} bilious vomiting 胆汁嘔吐 {たんじゅう おうと} ...
- 英
- cyclic vomiting syndrome, CVS
- 関
- アセトン血性嘔吐症 acetonemic vormiting
- 2-10歳の小児で,周期的な嘔吐発作を繰り返す疾患
- 片頭痛のー型と考えられており、片頭痛の家族歴がある場合が多い。
- 多くは年齢とともに自然軽快する
- 成人後の片頭痛への移行する場合がある。
- 発作時には数日間の嘔吐が持続し、その後は改善。これを反復する。
- 4割が早朝発症
- 腹痛、活気不良、傾眠*、顔面蒼白、頭痛、羞明、聴覚過敏
- 血糖は正常
- 血中ケトン上昇、尿中ケトン陽性
- 代謝性アシドーシス:嘔吐によるHCL喪失
- CRH上昇、ACTH上昇、コルチゾール上昇、バソプレシン上昇、カテコラミン上昇