- 関
- acanthosis
- of or relating to or having acanthosis
- an abnormal but benign thickening of the prickle-cell layer of the skin (as in psoriasis)
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English Journal
- Depletion of antigen-presenting cells by clodronate liposomes reverses the psoriatic skin phenotype in KC-Tie2 mice.
- Ward NL, Loyd CM, Wolfram JA, Diaconu D, Michaels CM, McCormick TS.SourceDepartments of Dermatology, Neurosciences, and Pathology, Case Western Reserve University, BRB519, 10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA. nicole.ward@case.edu
- The British journal of dermatology.Br J Dermatol.2011 Apr;164(4):750-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2010.10129.x.
- BACKGROUND: There is ongoing debate regarding the initiation of psoriatic plaque as primarily arising from an anomaly in epidermal keratinocytes (KCs) or from abnormalities in immunocytes that secondarily activate otherwise normal KCs. In mice engineered to overexpress the angiopoietin receptor Tie2
- PMID 21070202
- Warty dyskeratoma involving two adjoining follicles.
- Jang EJ, Lee JY, Kim MK, Yoon TY.SourceDepartment of Dermatology, School of Medicine and Medical Research Institute, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea.
- Annals of dermatology.Ann Dermatol.2011 Feb;23(1):98-100. Epub 2011 Feb 28.
- Warty dyskeratoma (WD) is a rare epidermal tumor that frequently arises as a papule or nodule on the head or neck of middle-aged or older persons. Histologically, it shows a cup-shaped keratin-filled invagination of an acanthotic epidermis, suprabasilar clefting with villi projecting into the clefts
- PMID 21738375
Japanese Journal
- Heterogeneous and abnormal localization of desmosomal proteins in oral intraepithelial neoplasms
- , , , ,
- Journal of Oral Science 56(3), 209-214, 2014
- … Twenty-seven cases of OIN3 were tentatively classified as basaloid (14 cases) or differentiated (13 cases), and the latter were further subdivided into verrucous (five cases) and acanthotic (eight cases) subtypes. …
- NAID 130004691130
- 5 %イミキモドクリームで加療したボーエン様丘疹症の 1 例
- 加瀬 貴美,黄倉 真恵,山下 利春
- 西日本皮膚科 74(6), 619-622, 2012
- 24 歳,女性。初診の 4 ヵ月前より外陰部に黒色斑を自覚した。婦人科的診察に異常なく近医でカンジダ症として加療されたが,黒褐色丘疹が拡大し,当科紹介受診となった。初診時,両側小陰唇から大陰唇にかけて黒褐色丘疹と黒色斑の多発を認めた。病理組織学的に異型重層扁平上皮の増殖,有棘細胞の極性の乱れ,全層性の核分裂像を認めた。パラフィンブロックより DNA を精製し,HPV16 L1 特異的 PCR を行 …
- NAID 130004831827
- 堀江 啓太,青柳 哲,水野 修,本間 英里奈,秦 洋郎,清水 宏
- Skin Cancer 26(3), 354-358, 2011
- 39歳,女性。約4年前に右第5趾の褐色斑を自覚し,徐々に拡大してきたため当科を受診した。初診時,右第5趾背側に径15×14 mmの不整形な一部鱗屑を伴う褐色斑を認め,それに連続して爪甲にも2 mm幅の色素線条を認めた。病理組織学的には表皮全層にわたって異型ケラチノサイトが不規則に配列し,核分裂像や個細胞角化を認め,爪母にも異型ケラチノサイトの増殖とメラニン顆粒を認めたため,Bowen病と診断した …
- NAID 130002149393
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- 本人(62歳の母)の検査の結果がでていない状況でしたが、このたび検査の結果の通知がありまして、癌ではなく「Glycogenic acanthosis」と説明を受けました
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