- the quality of being sharply disagreeable
English Journal
- Investigating the dental toolkit of primates based on food mechanical properties: Feeding action does matter.
- Thiery G1, Guy F1, Lazzari V1.
- American journal of primatology.Am J Primatol.2017 Feb 2. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22640. [Epub ahead of print]
- Although conveying an indisputable morphological and behavioral signal, traditional dietary categories such as frugivorous or folivorous tend to group a wide range of food mechanical properties together. Because food/tooth interactions are mostly mechanical, it seems relevant to investigate the dent
- PMID 28150439
- Toothpastes and enamel erosion/abrasion - Impact of active ingredients and the particulate fraction.
- Ganss C1, Marten J2, Hara AT3, Schlueter N4.
- Journal of dentistry.J Dent.2016 Nov;54:62-67. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2016.09.005. Epub 2016 Sep 17.
- OBJECTIVES: To investigate in vitro a range of differently characterised toothpastes with respect to their efficacy in an erosion/abrasion setting with special emphasis on the role of the particulate ingredients.METHODS: Human enamel samples were erosively demineralised with citric acid (2min, 6×/d
- PMID 27650640
- Mechanical modelling of tooth wear.
- Karme A1, Rannikko J2, Kallonen A3, Clauss M4, Fortelius M5.
- Journal of the Royal Society, Interface.J R Soc Interface.2016 Jul;13(120). pii: 20160399. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0399.
- Different diets wear teeth in different ways and generate distinguishable wear and microwear patterns that have long been the basis of palaeodiet reconstructions. Little experimental research has been performed to study them together. Here, we show that an artificial mechanical masticator, a chewing
- PMID 27411727
Japanese Journal
- Summary of the Paper "Mechanical Properties and Specific Energy of Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits in the Waters off Okinawa Island"
- 沖縄海域の海底熱水鉱床の力学特性と掘削体積比エネルギー (特集 岩石力学)
- 沖縄海域の海底熱水鉱床の力学特性と掘削体積比エネルギー
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- abrasiveness 【名】 摩損性 つっけんどんな性格、無愛想さ - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 もう英文作成で悩まない!120万例文と用例の「Pro」 データ提供:EDP ※データの転載は禁じられています。 ...
- abrasiveness 意味, 定義, abrasiveness は何か: 1. a rude and unfriendly way of talking or behaving: 2. the quality of being slightly rough: . もっと見る If abrasiveness, arrogance and unwavering conceit were substitutes for policies, our merchant fleet would be doing very well under his guidance.
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