English Journal
- Arterial blood gases during and their dynamic changes after cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A prospective clinical study.
- Spindelboeck W, Gemes G, Strasser C, Toescher K, Kores B, Metnitz P, Haas J, Prause G.
- Resuscitation. 2016 09;106()24-9.
- An arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) yields important diagnostic information in the management of cardiac arrest. This study evaluated ABG samples obtained during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (OHCPR) in the setting of a prospective multicenter trial. We aimed to clarify prospectivel
- PMID 27328890
- Estimates of mean alveolar gas in patients with chronic airways obstruction.
- Giannella-Neto A, Paoletti P, Fornai E, Giuntini C.
- The European respiratory journal. 1989 May;2(5)451-60.
- Alveolar to arterial differences (AaD) may be computed from representative alveolar gas pressures (PA). These are particularly difficult to obtain in patients with chronic airways obstruction (CAO) and severe inhomogeneity of the ventilation/perfusion (VA/Q) ratio. In 25 such patients, using a compu
- PMID 2503393
- Optimal constant positive airway pressure assessed by arterial alveolar difference for CO2 in hyaline membrane disease.
- Landers S, Hansen TN, Corbet AJ, Stevener MJ, Rudolph AJ.
- Pediatric research. 1986 Sep;20(9)884-9.
- In a group of infants with hyaline membrane disease, the level of optimal constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) was assessed by raising CPAP in small steps from an initial low value, and after each change measuring the arterial alveolar difference for CO2 (aADCO2) and transmission of airway press
- PMID 3092178
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- Looking for online definition of a-ADCO2 in the Medical Dictionary? a-ADCO2 explanation free. What is a-ADCO2? Meaning of a-ADCO2 medical term. What does a-ADCO2 mean? A-ADCO2 | definition of a-ADCO2 by Medical ? ...
- arterial-alveolar carbon dioxygen difference 動脈血-肺胞気炭酸ガス分圧較差 呼吸管理に活かす呼吸生理
- The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been ... The objectives of this study are to assess the distribution, efficacy ...
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- 英
- arterial alveolar carbon dioxide difference, aADCO2, a-ADCO2
- 関
- 肺胞気動脈血ガス分圧較差
- 換気血流比が小さい場合に著しい → シャントの傾向