- use a knife on; "The victim was knifed to death" (同)stab
- a weapon with a handle and blade with a sharp point
- edge tool used as a cutting instrument; has a pointed blade with a sharp edge and a handle
- the 24th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)x, ex
- 『ナイフ』,小刀;包丁;短刀 / (機械などの)刃 / …‘を'ナイフ(短刀)で切る(刺す) / (ナイフで)切るように進む
- Christ / Christian
- x-axis
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English Journal
- Outcomes for Pituitary Adenoma Patients Treated with Linac- Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy: a Long Term Experience in Thailand.
- Puataweepong P1, Dhanachai M, Hansasuta A, Dangprasert S, Sitathanee C, Swangsilpa T, Vitoonpanich P, Yongvithisatid P.
- Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.2015;16(13):5279-84.
- BACKGROUND: The study analyzed the long term clinical outcomes of pituitary adenoma cases treated with the first Thailand installation of a dedicated Linac-based stereotactic radiation machine (X-Knife).MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of 115 consecutive pituitary adenoma patients treat
- PMID 26225666
- The clinical outcome of intracranial hemangioblastomas treated with linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy.
- Puataweepong P1, Dhanachai M2, Hansasuta A3, Dangprasert S2, Sitathanee C2, Puddhikarant P2, Jiarpinitnun C2, Ruangkanchanasetr R2, Dechsupa P4, Pairat K4.
- Journal of radiation research.J Radiat Res.2014 Jul;55(4):761-8. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrt235. Epub 2014 Feb 18.
- Recent publications have reported stereotactic radiosurgery as an effective and safe treatment for intracranial hemangioblastomas. However, because of the low incidence of these particular tumors, reports on large patient number studies have not yet been available. The objective of this study was to
- PMID 24554558
- Linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for vestibular schwannomas: comparative observations of 139 patients treated at a single institution.
- Puataweepong P1, Dhanachai M, Dangprasert S, Narkwong L, Sitathanee C, Sawangsilpa T, Janwityanujit T, Yongvithisatid P.
- Journal of radiation research.J Radiat Res.2014 Mar 1;55(2):351-8. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrt121. Epub 2013 Oct 18.
- Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) have been recognized as an alternative to surgery for small to medium sized vestibular schwannoma (VS). This study analysed and compared the outcomes of VS treated with the first Thailand installation of a dedicated Lin
- PMID 24142966
Japanese Journal
- 定位放射線治療後手術治療を必要とした聴神経鞘腫の臨床分類と病理所見
- 福田 直,佐々木 晶子,小林 信介 [他],北原 功雄,水谷 徹
- 昭和医学会雑誌 72(4), 479-487, 2012
- … 線治療後腫瘍制御が不良で手術治療を施行した10例の手術適応,手術時期,画像所見,術中所見,病理所見に関して検討した.平均年齢は52.3歳(17~70歳),男性5例,女性5例,放射線治療はガンマナイフ8例,Xナイフ1例,陽子線1例で,放射線治療から手術にいたる期間は平均63.3か月(30~96か月)であった.手術適応は,腫瘍実質成分増大が原因で神経症状の悪化や追加が認められた症例,嚢胞が腫瘍実質外に拡大し …
- NAID 130003378208
- 大和谷 崇,水田 邦博,中西 啓 [他],瀧澤 義徳,細川 久美子,細川 誠二,峯田 周幸
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 105(9), 821-825, 2012
- … The patient underwent chemoradiotherapy (70 Gy total) in 1991, and gamma knife irradiation (20 Gy) in 1998 for local recurrence. … The patient underwent chemoradiotherapy (66 Gy total) in 2001, and X knife irradiation (15 Gy) 3 months later due to the remaining tumor. … The patient underwent chemoradiotherapy (60 Gy total) in 2001, and X knife irradiation (24 Gy) 4 months later for the remaining tumor. …
- NAID 130002141249
- 脳動静脈奇形 Liniac radiosurgery(X-Knife)を用いた脳動静脈奇形に対する定位放射線治療 (インターベンション時代の脳卒中学(改訂第2版)(下)超急性期から再発予防まで) -- (脳血管奇形)
Related Pictures

- 英
- X-knife
- 関
- 定位放射線治療
- 関
- scalpel、surgical knife
キサントシン, xanthosine