Japanese Journal
- 池田湖における陸封アユの生活史に関する研究‐VII 池田湖産陸封アユの大型化について
- 立原 一憲,木村 清朗
- 日本水産学会誌 58(3), 461-467, 1992
- … The larvae of ayu, living offshore of the lake, fed on zooplankton, such as Protozoa, Trochelminthes and Arthropoda, but when they reached about 55mm in standard length, they moved to shore water and changed their food to algae, such as Cyanophyta and Bacillario-phyta which adhered to stones and rocks on the bottom. …
- NAID 130001545561
- 池田湖における陸封アユの生活史に関する研究 IV 池田湖産陸封アユ仔・稚魚の成長に伴う分布と食性の変化
- 立原 一憲,木村 清朗
- 日本水産学会誌 57(5), 797-804, 1991
- … The larvae of the ayu began to feed on zooplankton such as Protozoa and Trochelminthes before absorption of the yolk substance, and to eat mainly active zooplankton belonging to Arthropoda as they grew. …
- NAID 130001545312
- Rotiferaの老化 (比較老年学-後-動物門に於ける老化) -- (Trochelminthes(輪形動物門)の老化)
Related Links
- Define Trochelminthes: a phylum of invertebrates including the Rotifera, the Gastrotricha, and a few obscure forms ... Wait, there’s more! This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but we’ve shared just a bit of the ...
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- ラ
- Trochelminthes
- 関
- 輪形動物門
- ラ
- Trochelminthes
- 関
- 輪形動物