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English Journal
- Cerebral Protection during Controlled Hypoperfusion in a Piglet Model: Comparison of Moderate (25°C) versus Deep (18°C) Hypothermia at Various Flow Rates Using Intraoperative Measurements and Ex vivo Investigation.
- Walther T, Dhein S, Ullmann C, Schneider K, Bilz T, Rastan A, Garbade J, Falk V, Emrich FC, Muth P, Mohr FW, Kostelka M.SourceKlinik für Herzchirurgie, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.
- The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2012 Nov 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background During surgical correction of complex cardiac anomalies, some degree of hypoperfusion may be required. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of controlled cerebral hypoperfusion at moderate (25°C) versus deep (18°C) hypothermia.Methods In this study, 56
- PMID 23138358
- [Noninvasive estimation of human tissue respiration with wavelet-analysis of oxygen saturation and blood flow oscillations in microvessels].
- [No authors listed]AbstractLaser Doppler flowmetry, laser spectrophotometry of oxygen saturation and fluorescence determination of NAD-H/FAD ratio were carried out at 30 humans in the upper extremity skin zones with and without arteriole-venule anastomoses (AVA). For the first time it was shown that wavelet-analysis of oxygen saturation and microvascular blood flow oscillations was an effective approach to noninvasive estimation of skin oxygen extraction (OE) and oxygen consumption rate (OC). OE = (SaO2--SvO2)/SaO2, where SaO2 (%) and SvO2(%) are the oxygen saturation of arterial and venular blood, correspondingly. If the ratio between amplitudes of cardiac rhythm (Ac, p.u.) and respiratory rhythm (Ar, p.u.) Ac/Ar < or = 1, SvO2 = SO2. In the case of Ac/Ar >1, SvO2 = SO2/(Ac/Ar). OC = Mnutr x (SaO2-SvO2) in p.u. x %O2, where Mnutr--value of nutritive perfusion (p.u.). Mnutr = M/SI, where SI--shunting index of blood flow in microvessels. The values of perfusion, OE and OC were higher in the skin with AVA than in the skin without AVA. The values of perfusion and oxygen saturation were more variable in the skin with AVA. The greatest significance for tissue metabolism have the oxygen diffused from the smallest arterioles and capillaries. The contribution increased to tissue metabolism of total perfusion and of oxygen diffused from arterioles in the conditions of tissue ischemia.
- Fiziologiia cheloveka.Fiziol Cheloveka.2012 Jul-Aug;38(4):67-73.
- Laser Doppler flowmetry, laser spectrophotometry of oxygen saturation and fluorescence determination of NAD-H/FAD ratio were carried out at 30 humans in the upper extremity skin zones with and without arteriole-venule anastomoses (AVA). For the first time it was shown that wavelet-analysis of oxygen
- PMID 23101367
Japanese Journal
- SvO2,ScvO2--測定原理,臨床意義,注意点 (特集 モニター)
- 肺動脈カテーテル (特集 新しい循環系モニタリング--その有用性と限界)
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- 2008年4月2日 ... 発熱などで酸素消費量(VO2)が上がると、酸素投与だけではSVO2はほとんど変化しない 。 ... ・SVO2は心拍出量、酸素摂取量、Hb、酸素飽和度の4つの要因で決定する 。 ・CVカテーテルからの採血による血ガス測定(測定器からはSaO2 ...
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