- a chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an advantageous position
- an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker (同)ploy
- of or relating to or characteristic of Sicily or the people of Sicily; "the Sicilian Mafia"
- a resident of Sicily
- (チェスで展開を有利にするための)序盤の手,指し始めの手 / (事を有利に運ぶための)手始めの行動(発言)
- シチリア人 / シチリア方言 / シチリア島の;シチリア人の;シチリア方言の
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English Journal
- Concept of the vulnerable parameter: the Sicilian Gambit revisited.
- Rosen MR1, Janse MJ.
- Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol.2010 May;55(5):428-37. doi: 10.1097/FJC.0b013e3181bfaddc.
- Why consider the concept of the vulnerable parameter in a series on "Noninvasive Risk Assessment in Guiding Therapy for Prevention of Sudden Death " Preceding that question might be, "what is the vulnerable parameter " In the following pages, we shall review the history behind the concept of the vul
- PMID 19755918
- Effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel current.
- Tamura A1, Ogura T, Uemura H, Reien Y, Kishimoto T, Nagai T, Komuro I, Miyazaki M, Nakaya H.
- Journal of pharmacological sciences.J Pharmacol Sci.2009 Jun;110(2):150-9. Epub 2009 Jun 5.
- After the report of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial, a tabular framework of the Sicilian Gambit has been proposed to display actions of antiarrhythmic drugs on ion channels and receptors and to provide more rational pharmacotherapy of arrhythmias. However, because effects of antiarrhythmic
- PMID 19498275
- [Present status in and prospects for anti-arrhythmic drug therapy: Theoretical selection of therapeutic drugs for arrhythmia by Sicilian Gambit and the practice guidelines].
- Kato T.
- Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine.Nihon Naika Gakkai Zasshi.2006 Feb 10;95(2):246-52.
- PMID 16536074
Japanese Journal
- 薬剤分類からみる抗不整脈薬の特徴 (特集 不整脈の薬物療法管理)
- 抗不整脈薬の分子標的と今後の展望―古くて新しい抗不整脈薬―
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- おわりに 不整脈に対する薬物療法の最近の動向,特にSicilian Gambitの臨床応用を中心に解説した.電子カルテ やオーダリングシステムなど,日常診療の現場にも IT化の波が押し寄せてきた今日,さらに一歩進んで,エビデンスに基づく ...
- 4 循環器病の診断と治療に関するガイドライン(2008年度合同研究班報告) Ⅱ 総 論 1 Sicilian Gambitの意義 1 はじめに 抗不整脈薬に関わる多くの大規模臨床試験の成績に基 づいたガイドライン作りが欧米で進められてきた.一方,
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