- small rounded wartlike protuberance on a plant (同)tubercle
- (mineralogy) a small rounded lump of mineral substance (usually harder than the surrounding rock or sediment)
- a small node
- (鉱石などの)小塊 / (植物の茎・根,動物の組織にできる)小結節,こぶ
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English Journal
- Wedging of vertebral bodies at the thoracolumbar junction in asymptomatic healthy subjects on magnetic resonance imaging.
- Matsumoto M, Okada E, Kaneko Y, Ichihara D, Watanabe K, Chiba K, Toyama Y, Fujiwara H, Momoshima S, Nishiwaki Y, Hashimoto T, Takahata T.SourceDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. morio@sc.itc.keio.ac.jp
- Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA.Surg Radiol Anat.2011 Apr;33(3):223-8. doi: 10.1007/s00276-010-0746-x. Epub 2010 Nov 23.
- PURPOSE: Wedging of the vertebral body on radiological examination is a valuable indicator of a vertebral compression fracture, although it can also be observed in subjects with no history of trauma. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the normative value of vertebral wedging at the thoracolu
- PMID 21104252
- Pigmented solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas.
- Daum O, Sima R, Mukensnabl P, Vanecek T, Brouckova M, Benes Z, Michal M.SourceDepartment of Pathology, Medical Faculty Hospital, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
- Pathology international.Pathol Int.2005 May;55(5):280-4.
- A hitherto unrecognized variant of solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas is reported. The tumor presented in the pancreatic head of a 57-year-old female patient. It was a well-circumscribed, encapsulated nodule measuring 27 mm in diameter, with variegated yellow to brown and gray cut surfac
- PMID 15871726
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- http://www.dynamicchiropractic.com/mpacms/dc/article.php?id=44556
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- 小さいこぶ、小塊。(解剖)小結節/結節。(植物)根粒。(鉱物)団塊