English Journal
- Inventory on the dietary assessment tools available and needed in Africa: a prerequisite for setting up a common methodological research infrastructure for nutritional surveillance, research and prevention of diet-related non-communicable diseases.
- Pisa PT1, Landais E, Margetts B, Vorster HH, Friedenreich CM, Huybrechts I, Martin-Prevel Y, Branca F, Lee WT, Leclercq C, Jerling J, Zotor F, Amuna P, Al Jawaldeh A, Aderibigbe RO, Amoussa WH, Anderson CA, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Atek M, Benhura C, Chifamba J, Covic N, Dary O, Delisle H, El Ati J, El Hamdouchi A, El Rhazi K, Faber M, Kalimbira A, Korkalo L, Kruger A, Ledo J, Machiweni T, Mahachi C, Mathe N, Mokori A, Mouquet-Rivier C, Mutie C, Nashandi Hilde L, Norris SA, Onabanjo OO, Rambeloson Z, Saha Foudjo BU, Ubaoji KI, Zaghloul S, Slimani N.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2014 Dec 8:0. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abstract Objective: To carry out an inventory on the availability, challenges and needs of Dietary Assessment (DA) methods in Africa as a pre-requisite to provide evidence, and set directions (strategies) for implementing common dietary methods and support web-research infrastructure across countrie
- PMID 25486107
- Banana by-products: an under-utilized renewable food biomass with great potential.
- Padam BS1, Tin HS1, Chye FY1, Abdullah MI1.
- Journal of food science and technology.J Food Sci Technol.2014 Dec;51(12):3527-45. doi: 10.1007/s13197-012-0861-2. Epub 2012 Oct 3.
- Banana (Musaceae) is one of the world's most important fruit crops that is widely cultivated in tropical countries for its valuable applications in food industry. Its enormous by-products are an excellent source of highly valuable raw materials for other industries by recycling agricultural waste. T
- PMID 25477622
- Comparative Study of Lithotripsy and PCNL for 11-15 mm Lower Caliceal Calculi In Community Health Hospital.
- Wankhade NH1, Gadekar J2, Shinde BB3, Tatte JA4.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR.J Clin Diagn Res.2014 Jun;8(6):HC12-4. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/6704.4502. Epub 2014 Jun 20.
- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is not a popular procedure in smaller sized calculi due to its invasive nature, complications and need for anesthesia. Small sized lower caliceal calculi are generally treated by ESWL but have significantly less clearance rate in spite of s
- PMID 25121001
Japanese Journal
- 更年期にある妻が認識する夫の更年期症状と夫婦関係の危機との関連
- ウルドゥー文学前史 : 南インドのウルドゥー語文献
- ウルドゥー文学前史 : 南インドのウルドゥー語文献 (小特集 南アジア・イスラーム文献の出版・伝播)
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- 知恵蔵2013 PADAMの解説は男性更年期のページに記述してあります。 ... 出典:(株)朝日新聞出版発行「知恵蔵2007」 それぞれの用語は執筆時点での最新のもので、常に最新の内容であることを保証するものではありません。
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- 関
- aging males' symptoms score、LOH症候群、加齢性腺機能低下症候群
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peripheral arterial disease, 末梢動脈疾患