- 関
- Manduca sexta、tobacco hornworm
- moths whose larvae are tobacco hornworms or tomato hornworms (同)genus Manduca
- moth whose larvae are tomato hornworms
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/11/21 23:06:20」(JST)
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For the surname, see Manduca (surname).
Manduca |
Manduca brasiliensis |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Animalia |
Phylum: |
Arthropoda |
Class: |
Insecta |
Order: |
Lepidoptera |
Family: |
Sphingidae |
Subfamily: |
Sphinginae |
Genus: |
Hübner, 1807 |
Species |
About 70, see text
Synonyms |
- Syzygia Grote & Robinson, 1865
- Protoparce Burmeister, 1855
- Phlegethontius Hübner, 1819
- Macrosila Walker, 1856
- Diludia Grote & Robinson, 1865
- Chlaenogramma Smith, 1887
Manduca is a genus of moths in the family Sphingidae, the hawkmoths. The genus is used as a model in the biological sciences. The tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) and the tomato hornworm (M. quinquemaculatus) in particular have been very well studied.[1]
- Manduca afflicta
- Manduca albiplaga - white-plaqued sphinx
- Manduca albolineata
- Manduca andicola
- Manduca armatipes
- Manduca aztecus
- Manduca barnesi
- Manduca bergarmatipes
- Manduca bergi
- Manduca blackburni - Blackburn's sphinx
- Manduca boliviana
- Manduca brasiliensis
- Manduca brontes
- Manduca brunalba
- Manduca camposi
- Manduca caribbeus
- Manduca chinchilla
- Manduca clarki
- Manduca contracta
- Manduca corallina
- Manduca corumbensis
- Manduca dalica
- Manduca diffissa
- Manduca dilucida
- Manduca duquefi
- Manduca empusa
- Manduca extrema
- Manduca feronia
- Manduca florestan
- Manduca fosteri
- Manduca franciscae
- Manduca gloriosa
- Manduca gueneei
- Manduca hannibal
- Manduca huascara
- Manduca incisa
- Manduca janira
- Manduca jasminearum - ash sphinx
- Manduca johanni
- Manduca jordani
- Manduca kuschei
- Manduca lamasi
- Manduca lanuginosa
- Manduca lefeburii
- Manduca leucospila
- Manduca lichenea
- Manduca lucetius
- Manduca manducoides
- Manduca morelia
- Manduca mossi
- Manduca muscosa - Muscosa sphinx
- Manduca neglecta
- Manduca occulta - occult sphinx
- Manduca ochus
- Manduca pellenia
- Manduca prestoni
- Manduca quinquemaculata - five-spotted hawkmoth, tomato hornworm
- Manduca reducta
- Manduca rustica - rustic sphinx
- Manduca schausi
- Manduca scutata
- Manduca sesquiplex
- Manduca sexta - Carolina sphinx, tobacco hornworm
- Manduca stuarti
- Manduca trimacula
- Manduca tucumana
- Manduca undata
- Manduca vestalis
- Manduca violaalba
- Manduca wellingi
- ^ Kawahara, A. Y., et al. (2013). Evolution of Manduca sexta hornworms and relatives: Biogeographical analysis reveals an ancestral center of diversification in Central America. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, in press.
English Journal
- Impact of transgenerational immune priming on the defence of insect eggs against parasitism.
- Trauer-Kizilelma U1, Hilker M2.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2015 Jul;51(1):126-33. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2015.03.004. Epub 2015 Mar 16.
- Insects are known to prime the immune state of their offspring. However, although the beginning of insect life, the egg stage, is often greatly endangered by parasitism, no knowledge is available regarding whether transgenerational immune priming improves the immune responses of insect eggs to actua
- PMID 25790896
- Gong ZJ1, Liu S, Jiang YD, Zhou WW, Liang QM, Cheng J, Zhang CX, Zhu ZR, Gurr GM.
- Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology.Arch Insect Biochem Physiol.2015 May;89(1):35-53. doi: 10.1002/arch.21224. Epub 2015 Feb 1.
- In this study, we constructed a high-quality cDNA library from the antennae of the Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). A total of 1,235 colonies with inserts greater than 0.7 kb were sequenced and analyzed. Homology searching coupled with bioinformatics analysis identified 15 and 7
- PMID 25639603
- Measuring the effects of aging and sex on regional brain stiffness with MR elastography in healthy older adults.
- Arani A1, Murphy MC2, Glaser KJ2, Manduca A3, Lake DS3, Kruse SA2, Jack CR Jr2, Ehman RL2, Huston J 3rd2.
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2015 May 1;111:59-64. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.02.016. Epub 2015 Feb 17.
- Changes in tissue composition and cellular architecture have been associated with neurological disease, and these in turn can affect biomechanical properties. Natural biological factors such as aging and an individual's sex also affect underlying tissue biomechanics in different brain regions. Under
- PMID 25698157
Japanese Journal
- N-(18-hydroxylinolenoyl)-L-glutamine: a newly discovered analog of volicitin in Manduca sexta and its elicitor activity in plants.
- Yoshinaga Naoko,Ishikawa Chihiro,Seidl-Adams Irmgard,Bosak Elizabeth,Aboshi Takako,Tumlinson James H,Mori Naoki
- Journal of chemical ecology 40(5), 484-490, 2014-05-11
- … Here, we identified N-(18-hydroxylinolenoyl)-L-glutamine (18OH-volicitin) from larval gut contents of tobacco hornworm (THW), Manduca sexta. …
- NAID 120005619758
- Plant volatile eliciting FACs in lepidopteran caterpillars, fruit flies, and crickets: a convergent evolution or phylogenetic inheritance?
- Yoshinaga Naoko,Abe Hiroaki,Morita Sayo,Yoshida Tetsuya,Aboshi Takako,Fukui Masao,Tumlinson James H,Mori Naoki
- Frontiers in physiology 5, 2014-04-01
- … The profile of FAC analogs in these two insects was similar to that of tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, showing glutamic acid conjugates predominantly over glutamine conjugates. …
- NAID 120005439545
- 永田 晋治,諸岡 信克
- 蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック = Sanshi-konchu biotec 80(3), 163-169, 2011-12-01
- … カイコ以外でも,トノサマバッタLocusta migratoriaやタバコスズメメガManduca sexta,エビガラスズメAgrius convolvuliの幼虫で周期的な摂食行動が観察されている。 …
- NAID 10030280826
Related Links
- マンジュカ専門店 Liebe(リーベ) ドイツでデザイン&開発されたベビーキャリア Manducaのお店です。スタイリッシュで機能的なマンジュカ抱っこひもは新生児から別売り付属品なしで使える人気の抱っこ紐です。
- MANDUKA マンドゥカはヨガマットをはじめとした高機能かつ洗練されたヨガ用品を取り扱う米国生まれのヨガブランド。 ブラックマット、プロライト、エコマット、ヨガブロック、ヨガストラップ、ボルスターなどを取扱いしています。
Related Pictures

- 関
- Manduca、Manduca sexta
- ラ
- Manduca
- 関
- タバコスズメガ
- 関
- Manduca、tobacco hornworm