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English Journal
- Pulmonary function tests in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the association between these tests and survival.
- Javad Mousavi SA1, Zamani B2, Shahabi Shahmiri S3, Rohani M2, Shahidi GA2, Mostafapour E3, Hemasian H4, Raji H5.
- Iranian journal of neurology.Iran J Neurol.2014 Jul 4;13(3):131-7.
- PMID 25422731
- Effects of antithyroid medication on the flow-volume loop in patients with hyperthyroidism.
- Arbak P1, Bicik Z, Safak A, Cinar Y, Ulger F.
- Tuberkuloz ve toraks.Tuberk Toraks.2004;52(3):243-7.
- PMID 15351937
- Dyspnoea, lung function & respiratory muscle pressures in patients with Graves' disease.
- Guleria R1, Goswami R, Shah P, Pande JN, Kochupillai N.
- The Indian journal of medical research.Indian J Med Res.1996 Nov;104:299-303.
- PMID 8979522
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- How is Maximal Mid-Expiratory Flow Rate (respiration) abbreviated? MMEFR stands for Maximal Mid-Expiratory Flow Rate (respiration). MMEFR is defined as Maximal Mid-Expiratory Flow Rate (respiration) rarely. Menu Search ...
- Acronym Definition MMEFR Maximal Mid-Expiratory Flow Rate (respiration) ... Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.
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- 英
- maximal mid-expiratory flow, MMEF, MMF
- 同
- 最大呼気中間流速 maximal mid-expiratory flow rate, MMEFR, MMFR
- 英
- maximal mid-expiratory flow rate, MMEFR, MMFR
- 関
- 最大呼気中間フロー