- 関
- dolphin、franciscana、Sousa、white-sided dolphin
- any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout; larger than porpoises
- a United States bandmaster and composer of military marches (1854-1932) (同)John Philip Sousa, March King
- 『イルカ』 / シイラ(温帯水域に産する大型の細長い魚)
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Lagenorhynchus |
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Animalia |
Phylum: |
Chordata |
Class: |
Mammalia |
Order: |
Artiodactyla |
Infraorder: |
Cetacea |
Family: |
Delphinidae |
Genus: |
Gray, 1846 |
Species |
Lagenorhynchus albirostris
Lagenorhynchus acutus
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
Lagenorhynchus obscurus
Lagenorhynchus australis
Lagenorhynchus cruciger
†Lagenorhynchus harmatuki
Lagenorhynchus is a genus in the order Cetacea, traditionally containing six species:
- white-beaked dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris
- Atlantic white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus
- Pacific white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
- dusky dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obscurus
- Peale's dolphin, Lagenorhynchus australis
- hourglass dolphin, Lagenorhynchus cruciger
The name Lagenorhynchus derives from the Greek lagenos meaning "bottle" and rhynchus meaning "beak". Indeed, the "bottle-nose" is a characteristic of this genus. However, the dolphins that have attained the common name bottlenose dolphin belong in the genus Tursiops. The melon-headed whale was once classified in this genus, but was later removed to its own Peponocephala genus.
Recent analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene indicates the genus Lagenorhynchus, as traditionally conceived, is not a natural (monophyletic) group. LeDuc, Perrin & Dizon 1999 found that the white-beaked and Atlantic white-sided dolphins were phylogenetically isolated within the Delphinidae, whereas the remaining four species were members of the Lissodelphinae, a predominantly Pacific clade of dolphins also including the right whale dolphins and the Cephalorhynchus dolphins. These findings are somewhat problematic taxonomically, since the white-beaked dolphin is the type species of the genus Lagenorhynchus; if the other species are not closely related to the white-beaked dolphin, then they must be removed from the genus. Accordingly, LeDuc et al. suggested that the Atlantic white-sided dolphin be placed within its own genus, Leucopleurus, and that the remaining species would need taxonomic revision, as well. Ledouc proposed Sagmatias as the new genus for the Pacific white-sided dolphin, Peale's dolphin, hourglass dolphin and dusky dolphin.[1]
May-Collado & Agnarsson 2006 actually recovered the hourglass and Peale's dolphins as nested phylogenetically among the species of Cephalorhynchus, and they suggest these two species be transferred to that genus. Some acoustic and morphological data support for this arrangement. Both hourglass and Peale's dolphins share with the species of Cephalorhynchus a distinct type of echolocation signal known as a narrow-band, high-frequency signal.[2][3] This signal is shared with porpoises (Phocoenidae) and pygmy sperm whales (Kogiidae), but is not found among other dolphin groups. According to Schevill & Watkins 1971, Peale's dolphin and the Cephalorhynchus species are the only dolphins that do not whistle. Presumably this is the case for hourglass dolphins, as well. Peale's dolphin also shares with several Cephalorhynchus species the possession of a distinct white "armpit" marking behind the pectoral fin.
According to an analysis by May-Collado & Agnarsson 2006, the remaining two species, the dusky and Pacific white-sided dolphins, are closely related to each other and form the sister group to the (expanded) genus Cephalorhynchus. If this placement is accurate, a new genus name will need to be coined to accommodate these two species.
- ^ LeDuc, Perrin & Dizon 1999
- ^ Tougaard & Kyhn 2010
- ^ Kyhn et al. 2010
- Kyhn, LA; Jensen, FH; Beedholm, FH; Tougaard, J (June 2010). "Echolocation in sympatric Peale's dolphins (Lagenorhynchus australis) and Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) producing narrow-band high-frequency clicks". Journal of Experimental Biology. 213 (11): 1940–9. ISSN 0022-0949. OCLC 618825118. PMID 20472781. doi:10.1242/jeb.042440.
- LeDuc, R.G.; Perrin, W.F.; Dizon, A.E. (July 1999). "Phylogenetic relationships among the delphinid cetaceans based on full cytochrome b sequences". Marine Mammal Science. 15: 619–648. ISSN 0824-0469. doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.1999.tb00833.x.
- Schevill, W.E.; Watkins, W.A. (January 15, 1971). "Pulsed sounds of the porpoise Lagenorhynchus australis". Breviora. 366: 1–10. ISSN 0006-9698. OCLC 80876226.
- Tougaard, J; Kyhn, LA (2010). "Echolocation sounds of hourglass dolphins (Lagenorhynchus cruciger) are similar to the narrow band high-frequency echolocation sounds of the dolphin genus Cephalorhynchus". Marine Mammal Science. 26 (1): 239–45. ISSN 0824-0469. OCLC 497138903. doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2009.00307.x.
Extant Cetacea species
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Chordata
- Class Mammalia
- Infraclass Eutheria
- Superorder Laurasiatheria
- Order Cetartiodactyla
- Suborder Whippomorpha
Parvorder Mysticeti (Baleen whales)
Balaenidae |
Balaena |
- Bowhead whale (B. mysticetus)
(Right whales) |
- Southern right whale (E. australis)
- North Atlantic right whale (E. glacialis)
- North Pacific right whale (E. japonica)
(Rorquals) |
Balaenoptera |
- Common minke whale (B. acutorostrata)
- Antarctic minke whale (B. bonaerensis)
- Sei whale (B. borealis)
- Bryde's whale (B. brydei)
- Pygmy Bryde's whale (B. edeni)
- Blue whale (B. musculus)
- Omura's whale (B. omurai)
- Fin whale (B. physalus)
Megaptera |
- Humpback whale (M. novaeangliae)
Eschrichtiidae |
Neobalaenidae |
Caperea |
- Pygmy right whale (C. marginata)
Parvorder Odontoceti (Toothed whales) (cont. below)
(Oceanic dolphins) |
Cephalorhynchus |
- Commerson's dolphin (C. commersonii)
- Chilean dolphin (C. eutropia)
- Heaviside's dolphin (C. heavisidii)
- Hector's dolphin (C. hectori)
Delphinus |
- Long-beaked common dolphin (D. capensis)
- Short-beaked common dolphin (D. delphis)
Feresa |
- Pygmy killer whale (F. attenuata)
(Pilot whales) |
- Short-finned pilot whale (G. macrorhynchus)
- Long-finned pilot whale (G. melas)
Grampus |
- Risso's dolphin (G. griseus)
Lagenodelphis |
- Fraser's dolphin (L. hosei)
Lagenorhynchus |
- Atlantic white-sided dolphin (L. acutus)
- White-beaked dolphin (L. albirostris)
- Peale's dolphin (L. australis)
- Hourglass dolphin (L. cruciger)
- Pacific white-sided dolphin (L. obliquidens)
- Dusky dolphin (L. obscurus)
(Right whale dolphins) |
- Northern right whale dolphin (L. borealis)
- Southern right whale dolphin (L. peronii)
Orcaella |
- Irrawaddy dolphin (O. brevirostris)
- Australian snubfin dolphin (O. heinsohni)
Orcinus |
Peponocephala |
- Melon-headed whale (P. electra)
Pseudorca |
- False killer whale (P. crassidens)
Sotalia |
- Tucuxi (S. fluviatilis)
- Costero (S. guianensis)
Sousa |
- Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin (S. chinensis)
- Atlantic humpback dolphin (S. teuszii)
Stenella |
- Pantropical spotted dolphin (S. attenuata)
- Clymene dolphin (S. clymene)
- Striped dolphin (S. coeruleoalba)
- Atlantic spotted dolphin (S. frontalis)
- Spinner dolphin (S. longirostris)
Steno |
- Rough-toothed dolphin (S. bredanensis)
Tursiops |
- Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (T. aduncus)
- Burrunan dolphin (T. australis)
- Common bottlenose dolphin (T. truncatus)
Monodontidae |
Phocoenidae |
Neophocaena |
- Finless porpoise (N. phocaeniodes)
- Narrow-ridged finless porpoise (N. asiaorientalis)
Phocoena |
- Spectacled porpoise (P. dioptrica)
- Harbor porpoise (P. phocoena)
- Vaquita (P. sinus)
- Burmeister's porpoise (P. spinipinnis)
Phocoenoides |
- Dall's porpoise (P. dalli)
Physeteridae |
Physeter |
- Sperm whale (P. macrocephalus)
Kogiidae |
Kogia |
- Pygmy sperm whale (K. breviceps)
- Dwarf sperm whale (K. simus)
Iniidae |
Inia |
- Amazon river dolphin (I. geoffrensis)
Platanistidae |
Platanista |
- Ganges and Indus River dolphin (P. gangetica)
Pontoporiidae |
Pontoporia |
- La Plata dolphin (P. blainvillei)
(Beaked whales) |
Berardius |
- Arnoux's beaked whale (B. arnuxii)
- Baird's beaked whale (B. bairdii)
Hyperoodon |
- Northern bottlenose whale (H. ampullatus)
- Southern bottlenose whale (H. planifrons)
Indopacetus |
- Tropical bottlenose whale (I. pacificus)
whales) |
- Sowerby's beaked whale (M. bidens)
- Andrews' beaked whale (M. bowdoini)
- Hubbs' beaked whale (M. carlhubbsi)
- Blainville's beaked whale (M. densirostris)
- Gervais' beaked whale (M. europaeus)
- Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale (M. ginkgodens)
- Gray's beaked whale (M. grayi)
- Hector's beaked whale (M. hectori)
- Strap-toothed whale (M. layardii)
- True's beaked whale (M. mirus)
- Perrin's beaked whale (M. perrini)
- Pygmy beaked whale (M. peruvianus)
- Stejneger's beaked whale (M. stejnegeri)
- Spade-toothed whale (M. traversii)
Tasmacetus |
- Shepherd's beaked whale (T. sheperdi)
Ziphius |
- Cuvier's beaked whale (Z. cavirostris)
English Journal
- Bottlenose dolphins engaging in more social affiliative behaviour judge ambiguous cues more optimistically.
- Clegg IL1, Rödel HG2, Delfour F3.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2017 Mar 30;322(Pt A):115-122. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2017.01.026. Epub 2017 Jan 18.
- Cognitive bias tests measure variation in emotional appraisal and are validated methods to assess animals' affective states. However, the link between social behaviours and cognitive bias has not yet been investigated. Bottlenose dolphins are a gregarious species for whom welfare research is increas
- PMID 28110003
- Contrasting patterns of adaptive sequence convergence among echolocating mammals.
- Lambert MJ1, Nevue AA2, Portfors CV2.
- Gene.Gene.2017 Mar 20;605:1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2016.12.017. Epub 2016 Dec 20.
- Several recent studies have described genes demonstrating adaptive sequence convergence between echolocating bats and dolphin, suggesting that common selective pressures can induce common molecular changes, even in distantly related species. However, in the case of the auditory genes Otoferlin (Otof
- PMID 28011304
- Assessing trace elements in striped dolphins from the Strait of Gibraltar: Clues to link the bioaccumulation in the westernmost Mediterranean Sea area and nearest Atlantic Ocean.
- Rojo-Nieto E1, Fernández-Maldonado C2.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2017 Mar;170:41-50. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.12.009. Epub 2016 Dec 4.
- Dolphins are considered sentinel species in the marine environment. The Strait of Gibraltar is the only passage between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, being the transitional region which connects these two basins and one of the most important routes of cetacean migration worldwide. In
- PMID 27974270
Japanese Journal
- 相模湾に漂着したカマイルカおよびオガワコマッコウの胃内容物
- 津軽海峡におけるカマイルカの推定来遊個体数と餌生物豊度の関係
- Lectin Binding Pattern of Gastric Mucosa of Pacific White-Sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
- SHIMOKAWA Tetsuya,DOIHARA Takuya,MAKARA Manami [他]
- The journal of veterinary medical science 74(2), 155-160, 2012-02
- NAID 40019213399
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- The latest Tweets from ひ (@lagenorhynchus). ひもの工場 kawazu 元音研. 東京都 千代田区 ... Add a location to your Tweets When you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location. You can switch location on/off before ...
- Lagenorhynchus Gray, 1846 References [] Whitmore; Kaltenbach 2008: Neogene Cetacea of the Lee Creek Phosphate Mine, North Carolina. Virginia Museum of Natural History special publication, 14: 181-269. links [] in & . links ...
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- ラ
- Lagenorhynchus
- 関
- イルカ、ウスイロイルカ属、Lagenorhynchus属、ラプラタカワイルカ、ラグノーリンチャス属、カマイルカ
- 関
- dolphin、franciscana、Lagenorhynchus、white-sided dolphin
- 関
- dolphin、Lagenorhynchus、Sousa、white-sided dolphin
- 関
- franciscana、Lagenorhynchus、Sousa、white-sided dolphin
- 関
- dolphin、franciscana、Lagenorhynchus、Sousa
- ラ
- Lagenorhynchus
- 関
- カマイルカ属、ラグノーリンチャス属