出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/11/24 19:12:31」(JST)
Low voltage differential signaling (LVDS) は短距離用のデジタル有線伝送技術であり、小振幅・低消費電力で比較的高速の差動インターフェースである。
1994年にANSI/TIA/EIA-644として標準規格となり、まずコンピュータでの高速ネットワークやバスなどから使用が始まった。1998年頃からは液晶ディスプレイの標準画像インターフェースとして採用が広がり、2000年から2010年現在にいたる間にノートパソコンをはじめ液晶モニタ、薄型テレビなど多くのデジタル表示機器でほとんど標準的な技術となっている。2010年現在では、LVDSの性能の限界から高性能な液晶ディスプレイでは新たな規格へ切り替えが進んでいる。インテルとAMDは2013年までにノートパソコンでのLVDSの搭載をやめ、DisplayPortなどに置き換える予定[出典 1]。
同名での似た技術として、テレビ分野では米ナショナル セミコンダクター社が開発した "FPD-Link" をLVDSと呼ぶことが一般的である[出典 2]。
米ナショナル セミコンダクター社のFlat Panel Display Link (FPD-Link) が元になり、1994年にANSI/TIA/EIA-644-AでLVDSは標準化されている。この標準ではツイストペア銅線では最大655Mbit/sまでと推奨しているが、理想的な伝送路では1.9Gbit/sを超える速度も可能だと予測している。
コンピュータ・バスでのLVDSの2つの利用例はHyperTransportとFireWireである。両者ともSCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) の流れを汲む次世代Futurebusを元とする。LVDSはSCSI標準(Ultra-2 SCSIおよびその後継)でサポートされ、より高速なデータ伝送とより長いケーブル長を実現した。シリアルATAやRapidIO、SpaceWireは高速データ転送を可能とするためにLVDSを利用している。
LVDSはまたグラフィックス・カードからビデオモニターへ映像データを伝送するのにも使うことができる。薄型パネル向けの応用は、米ナショナル セミコンダクター社がFlat Panel Display Link (FPD-Link) という名称で提案したのが先駆けである。TIA/EIA-644には電気的な伝送仕様のみが規定されていたが、FPD-Linkで画像クロック信号を7逓倍してシリアル伝送する仕様が初めて定義された。その後、パネルの高解像度化に合わせてOpenLDIという規格も提案された。これらの方式は最大ピクセル周波数は112MHzで1400×1050@60Hz (SXGA+) のディスプレイ解像度には十分である。デュアルリンクにより最大2048×1536@60Hz (QXGA) の解像度まで拡張できる。FPD-Linkは約5mまでのケーブル長を延ばすことができ、LDIは同じく約10mまで延長できる。
しかしながら、近年(2008年現在)、映像信号を伝送する規格としてLVDS以外に多くの方式が提案され、用途に応じて棲み分けが進んでいる。TMDS方式を用いたDVIやHDMIは、バイアスと終端方法がLVDSの仕様とは異なるが、HDCPの採用でコンテンツ保護が可能で、チャネル間スキューの調整機能がついているため長距離接続に向き、主として機器間の接続に利用されている。また、V-by-One HSは、テレビ内部配線用にLVDSに代わるものとして提案されており、4K×2K (3840×2160) の超高解像度 (UD) でも、LVDS を用いると96 対のケーブルが必要なのに対し、16 対のみで対応可能になる。
PCI Expressでは1つもしくは複数(x1,x2,x4,x8,x16,x32レーンから選択)のLVDS相当の技術をチャネルとして採用し、従来のPCIバスよりも高速なデータ転送が行えるコンピュータの内部バスとして利用されている。
SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer) LVDSは伝送幅に柔軟性を持たせるように意図されており、データ転送速度をそれほど求めない用途では2本のデータ線と2本のクロック線だけを用いて、伝送路の両端部に "Serializer/Deserializer" と呼ばれるパラレルデータとシリアルデータを直列/並列に変換して1対のデータ線上に1ビットずつ送受信する構成を採るものがある。
デジタル機器内部での8本や16本といったパラレルバスよりも、このような "SerDes" と略して呼ばれる、数本しか使わないシリアルデータによる方が便利な基板間結線のような用途で利用されることがある。
LVDSは元々、データ線だけを見れば、1対の伝送路の両端に1組のトランスミッタと1組のレシーバが存在し片方向のみ伝送するポイント・ツー・ポイント型の形態を想定している。この基本的な形態に対して応用的な形態として、1対の伝送路上に複数のトランスミッタやレシーバを配置するバス型の形態(マルチポイント型形態)も利用されることがあり、この形態は、"Bus LVDS" もしくは "BLVDS" と呼ばれる。
標準のLVDSトランスミッタはポイント・ツー・ポイント接続用に設計されているが、マルチポイント接続では複数の終端抵抗をドライブするための大電流出力が可能な少し変なるLVDSトランスミッタを使っている。Bus LVDSと同様のものにTI社が推進する "LVDM" があり、これらがマルチポイントLVDS規格の実質的な標準となっている。また、マルチポイントLVDS (MLVDS) は、TIA-899による標準化により発展してAdvancedTCAプラットフォームのクロック配送手段に採用されている。
最小/最大入力電圧 | 最小/最大出力コモンモード電圧 | 最小/最大出力電圧 |
-1.4 / 3.8 V | 0.3 / 2.1 V | 0.480 / 0.650 V |
現在のLVDSの形式になるまでには、SCI-LVDと呼ばれる方式が試みられていた。これはScalable Coherent Interconnect (SCI) のサブセットでIEEE 1596.3で規定された。これは複数のプロセッサ間通信のために設計された。
主にテレビ向けのLVDS代替規格に、iDPとV-by-One HSがある。iDPは2010年第2四半期にVESAで標準規格化される予定とされる。V-by-One HSは日本のザインエレクトロニクス社が主導しており、サムスン電子がテレビの配線技術に採用する予定だとされる。ディスプレイ一般のLVDS代替規格として米ナショナル セミコンダクター社が開発したFPD-Link IIもある。
LVDSと新技術の比較 | ||||||
名称 | LVDS | eDP | iDP | V-by-One HS | FPD-Link II | Advanced PPmL |
信号線1対当たりのデータ伝送速度 | 最大1.05Gビット/秒前後(可変) | 2.7Gビット/秒、又は1.62Gビット/秒(固定) | 3.24Gビット/秒(固定) | 最大3.75Gビット/秒(可変) | 最大1.82Gビット/秒(可変) | 最大2Gビット/秒(可変) |
専用クロックの有無 | あり | なし | なし | なし | なし | なし |
符号化方式 | なし | 8B/10B | 8B/10B | 8B/10B | なし | 4B/5B |
カップリング | DC | AC | AC | AC | AC | 不明 |
波形等化の規定 | なし | あり(オプション) | 不明 | なし(実質的に必要) | なし | 不明 |
著作権保護機能 | なし | HDCP | なし | なし | なし | 不明 |
ロイヤリティー | なし | なし | なし | なし | 非公開 | なし(計画中) |
備考 | 米ナショナル セミコンダクター社のFlat Panel Display Link (FPD-Link) が元になっている | 主にノートパソコンに向けた仕様 | 主にテレビに向けた仕様。STMicroelectronics社が開発した | 日本のザインエレクトロニクス社が開発した | 米ナショナル セミコンダクター社が開発した | テレビに向けた仕様。NECエレクトロニクス社が開発した |
[出典 2]
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Low-voltage differential signaling | |
Year created | 1994 |
Speed | 655 Mbit/s (rates up to 1-3 Gbit/s possible) |
Low-voltage differential signaling, or LVDS, also known as TIA/EIA-644, is a technical standard that specifies electrical characteristics of a differential, serial communications protocol. LVDS operates at low power and can run at very high speeds using inexpensive twisted-pair copper cables. Since LVDS is a physical layer specification only, many data communication standards and applications use it but then add a data link layer as defined in the OSI model on top of it.
LVDS was introduced in 1994, and has become popular in products such as LCD-TVs, automotive infotainment systems, industrial cameras and machine vision, notebook and tablet computers, and communications systems. The typical applications are high-speed video, graphics, video camera data transfers, and general purpose computer buses. Early on, the notebook and LCD vendors commonly used the term LVDS instead of FPD-Link when referring to their application, and the term LVDS has mistakenly become synonymous with Flat Panel Display Link in the video-display engineering vocabulary.
LVDS is a differential signaling system, meaning that it transmits information as the difference between the voltages on a pair of wires; the two wire voltages are compared at the receiver. In a typical implementation, the transmitter injects a constant current of 3.5 mA into the wires, with the direction of current determining the digital logic level. The current passes through a termination resistor of about 100 to 120 ohms (matched to the cable's characteristic impedance to reduce reflections) at the receiving end, and then returns in the opposite direction via the other wire. From Ohm's law, the voltage difference across the resistor is therefore about 350 mV. The receiver senses the polarity of this voltage to determine the logic level.
As long as there is tight electric- and magnetic-field coupling between the two wires, LVDS reduces the generation of electromagnetic noise. This noise reduction is due to the equal and opposite current flow in the two wires creating equal and opposite electromagnetic fields that tend to cancel each other. In addition, the tightly coupled transmission wires will reduce susceptibility to electromagnetic noise interference because the noise will equally affect each wire and appear as a common-mode noise. The LVDS receiver is unaffected by common mode noise because it senses the differential voltage, which is not affected by common mode voltage changes.
The fact that the LVDS transmitter consumes a constant current also places much less demand on the power supply decoupling and thus produces less interference in the power and ground lines of the transmitting circuit. This reduces or eliminates phenomena such as ground bounce which are typically seen in terminated single-ended transmission lines where high and low logic levels consume different currents, or in non-terminated transmission lines where a current appears abruptly during switching.
The low common-mode voltage (the average of the voltages on the two wires) of about 1.2 V allows using LVDS with a wide range of integrated circuits with power supply voltages down to 2.5 V or lower. In addition, there are variations of LVDS that use a lower common mode voltage. One example is sub-LVDS (introduced by Nokia in 2004) that uses 0.9 V typical common mode voltage. Another is Scalable Low Voltage Signaling for 400 mV (SLVS-400) specified in JEDEC JESD8-13 October 2001 where the power supply can be as low as 800 mV and common mode voltage is about 400 mV.
The low differential voltage, about 350 mV, causes LVDS to consume very little power compared to other signaling technologies. At 2.5 V supply voltage the power to drive 3.5 mA becomes 8.75 mW, compared to the 90 mW dissipated by the load resistor for an RS-422 signal.
Logic levels:[1]
Vee | VOL | VOH | Vcc | VCMO |
GND | 1.0 V | 1.4 V | 2.5–3.3 V | 1.2 V |
LVDS is not the only low power differential signaling system in use, others include the Fairchild Current Transfer Logic serial I/O.
LVDS became popular in the mid 1990s. Before that, computer monitor resolutions were not large enough to need such fast data rates for graphics and video. However, in 1992 Apple Computer needed a method to transfer multiple streams of digital video without overloading the existing NuBus on the backplane. Apple and National Semiconductor (NSC) created QuickRing, which was the first integrated circuit using LVDS. QuickRing was a high speed auxiliary bus for video data to bypass the NuBus in Macintosh computers. The multimedia and supercomputer applications continued to expand because both needed to move large amounts of data over links several meters long (from a disk drive to a workstation for instance).
The first commercially successful application for LVDS was in notebook computers transmitting video data from graphics processing units to the flat panel displays using the Flat Panel Display Link by National Semiconductor. The first FPD-Link chipset reduced a 21-bit wide video interface plus the clock down to only 4 differential pairs (8 wires), which enabled it to easily fit through the hinge between the display and the notebook and take advantage of LVDS's low-noise characteristics and fast data rate. FPD-Link became the de facto open standard for this notebook application in the late 1990s and is still the dominant display interface today in notebook and tablet computers. This is the reason IC vendors such as Texas Instruments, Maxim, Fairchild, and Thine produce their versions of the FPD-Link chipset.
The applications for LVDS expanded to flat panel displays for consumer TVs as screen resolutions and color depths increased. To serve this application, FPD-Link chipsets continued to increase the data-rate and the number of parallel LVDS channels to meet the internal TV requirement for transferring video data from the main video processor to the display-panel's timing controller. FPD-Link (commonly called LVDS) became the de facto standard for this internal TV interconnect and remains the dominant interface for this application in 2012.[citation needed]
The next target application was transferring video streams through an external cable connection between a desktop computer and display, or a DVD player and a TV. NSC introduced higher performance follow-ons to FPD-Link called the LVDS Display Interface (LDI) and OpenLDI standards. These standards allow a maximum pixel clock of 112 MHz, which suffices for a display resolution of 1400 × 1050 (SXGA+) at 60 Hz refresh. A dual link can boost the maximum display resolution to 2048 × 1536 (QXGA) at 60 Hz. FPD-Link works with cable lengths up to about 5m, and LDI extends this to about 10m. However, Digital Visual Interface (DVI) using TMDS over CML signals won the standards competition and became the standard for externally connecting desktop computers to monitors, and HDMI eventually became the standard for connecting digital video sources such as DVD players to flat panel displays in consumer applications.
Another successful LVDS application is Camera Link, which is a serial communication protocol designed for computer vision applications and based on the NSC chipset called Channel Link that uses LVDS. Camera Link standardizes video interfaces for scientific and industrial products including cameras, cables, and frame grabbers. The Automated Imaging Association (AIA) maintains and administers the standard because it is the industry's global machine vision trade group.
More examples of LVDS used in computer buses are HyperTransport and FireWire, both of which trace their development back to the post-Futurebus work, which also led to SCI. In addition, LVDS is the physical layer signaling in SCSI standards (Ultra-2 SCSI and later) to allow higher data rates and longer cable lengths. Serial ATA, PCI Express, RapidIO, and SpaceWire use LVDS to allow high speed data transfer.
Intel and AMD published a press release in December 2010 stating they would no longer support the LVDS LCD-panel interface in their product lines by 2013. They are promoting Embedded DisplayPort and Internal DisplayPort as their preferred solution.[2] However, the LVDS LCD-panel interface has proven to be the lowest cost method for moving streaming video from a video processing unit to a LCD-panel timing controller within a TV or notebook, and in February 2012 LCD TV and notebook manufacturers continue to introduce new products using the LVDS interface.
LVDS works in both parallel and serial data transmission. In parallel transmissions multiple data differential pairs carry several signals at once including a clock signal to synchronize the data. In serial communications, multiple single-ended signals are serialized into a single differential pair with a data rate equal to that of all the combined single-ended channels. For example, a 7-bit wide parallel bus serialized into a single pair that will operate at 7 times the data rate of one single-ended channel. The devices for converting between serial and parallel data are the serializer and deserializer, abbreviated to SerDes when the two devices are contained in one integrated circuit.
As an example, FPD-Link actually uses LVDS in a combination of serialized and parallel communications. The original FPD-Link designed for 18-bit RGB video has 3 parallel data pairs and a clock pair, so this is a parallel communication scheme. However, each of the 3 pairs transfers 7 serialized bits during each clock cycle. So the FPD-Link parallel pairs are carrying serialized data, but use a parallel clock to recover and synchronize the data.
Serial data communications can also embed the clock within the serial data stream. This eliminates the need for a parallel clock to synchronize the data. There are multiple methods for embedding a clock into a data stream. One method is inserting 2 extra bits into the data stream as a start-bit and stop-bit to guarantee bit transitions at regular intervals to mimic a clock signal. Another method is 8b/10b encoding.
LVDS does not specify a bit encoding scheme because it is a physical layer standard only. LVDS accommodates any user-specified encoding scheme for sending and receiving data across an LVDS link, including 8b/10b encoded data. An 8b/10b encoding scheme embeds the clock signal information and has the added benefit of DC balance. DC balance is necessary for AC-coupled transmission paths (such as capacitive or transformer-coupled paths). There are also DC-balance encoding methods for the start bit/stop bit embedded clock, which usually include a data scrambling technique. The key point in LVDS is the physical layer signaling to transport bits across wires. It is compatible with almost all data encoding and clock embedding techniques.
When a single differential pair of serial data is not fast enough there are techniques for grouping serial data channels in parallel and adding a parallel clock channel for synchronization. This is the technique used by FPD-Link. Other examples of parallel LVDS using multiple LVDS pairs and a parallel clock to synchronize are Channel Link and HyperTransport.
There is also the technique to increase the data throughput by grouping multiple LVDS-with-embedded-clock data channels together. However, this is not parallel LVDS because there is no parallel clock and each channel has its own clock information. An example of this technique is PCI Express where 2, 4, or 8 8b/10b encoded serial channels carry application data from source to destination. In this case the destination must employ a data synchronization method to align the multiple serial data channels.
The original LVDS standard only envisioned driving a digital signal from one transmitter to one receiver in a point-to-point topology. However, engineers using the first LVDS products soon wanted to drive multiple receivers with a single transmitter in a multipoint topology. As a result, NSC invented Bus LVDS (BLVDS) as the first variation of LVDS designed to drive multiple LVDS receivers. It uses termination resistors at each end of the differential transmission line to maintain the signal integrity. Double termination is necessary because it is possible to have one or more transmitters in the center of the bus driving signals toward receivers in both directions. The difference from standard LVDS transmitters was increasing the current output in order to drive the multiple termination resistors. In addition, the transmitters need to tolerate the possibility of other transmitters simultaneously driving the same bus.
Bus LVDS and LVDM (by TI) are de facto multipoint LVDS standards.[citation needed] Multipoint LVDS (MLVDS) is the TIA standard (TIA-899). The AdvancedTCA standard specified MLVDS for clock distribution across the backplane to each of the computing module boards in the system.
MLVDS has two types of receivers. Type-1 is compatible with LVDS and uses a +/- 50 mV threshold. Type-2 receivers allow Wired-Or signalling with M-LVDS devices. For M-LVDS:
Output | Input | ||
Common mode | Amplitude | ||
Min. | 0.3 V | 0.480 V | −1.4 V |
Max. | 2.1 V | 0.650 V | 3.8 V |
The present form of LVDS was preceded by an earlier standard initiated in Scalable Coherent Interconnect (SCI). SCI-LVDS was a subset of the SCI family of standards and specified in the IEEE 1596.3 1995 standard. The SCI committee designed LVDS for interconnecting multiprocessing systems with a high-speed and low power interface to replace positive emitter-coupled logic (PECL).
The ANSI/TIA/EIA-644-A (published in 2001) standard defines LVDS. This standard originally recommended a maximum data rate of 655 Mbit/s over twisted-pair copper wire, but data rates from 1- to 3-Gbit/s are common today on high quality transmission medium.[3] Hihg speed viedio link. Today technologies (Low Voltage Differential Signalling) for broadband digital video signal transmission in the vehicle such as LVDS used in which the signal to be transmitted for EMC reasons is coded as a differential signal. However, high-quality shielded twisted pair cables must be used together with elaborate connector systems for cabling. An alternative is the use of coaxial cables. Studies have shown that it is possible in spite of the simplified transfer medium dominate both emission and immunity in the high frequency range. Future high-speed video connections can be smaller, lighter and cheaper to realize.
Serial video transmission technologies are widely used in the automobile for linking cameras, displays and control devices. The uncompressed video data has some advantages for certain applications. Serial communication protocols now allow the transfer of data rates in the range of 3 to 4 Gbit / sec and thus the control of displays with up to full HD resolution. The integration of the serializer and deserializer components in the control unit due to low demands on additional hardware and software simple and inexpensive. In contrast, require bus solutions for video transmission connection to a corresponding network controller and, if necessary resources for data compression. Since for many applications a full function network is not required throughout the video architecture and for some compounds, data compression is not feasible due to image quality loss and additional latency, bus oriented video transmission technologies are currently only partially attractive.
Figure 1. Examples of application fields of serial video transmission technologies.
Figure 1 shows an example of the video architecture of a premium-class vehicle. The serial video connections are preferably used for connecting displays that are supplied with video and MMI content of central infotainment units (head-unit and rear-Unit). Head unit and the rear unit are themselves recipients of entertainment video content (e.g. TV tuner) and assistant video data (e.g. rear view camera). Due to the high number of discrete compounds a cost and space minimization is mandatory. Show Current available technologies based on shielded differential transmission methods, both in terms of the installation space (e.g. plug size and cable cross-section) and the relatively high cost of currently widespread Star Four cable systems optimization potential. This star-quad structure - also called STQ, Shielded Twisted Quad - has established itself in spite of the slight cost disadvantage compared to the shielded twisted pair solution due to the given by the geometry significantly better RF performance in the automotive industry as a transmission medium. In recent years, the alternative of a transmission over unshielded twisted pair cables (Unshielded Twisted Pair) has been discussed often. Corresponding solutions are not sufficiently high data transfer rates available and therefore require a compression, which can be used only conditionally.
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リンク元 | 「左室収縮末期径」「left ventricular diameter at end systole」 |
関連記事 | 「LV」 |