- any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions
- 酵素
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English Journal
- dNTP-dependent Conformational Transitions in the Fingers Subdomain of Klentaq1 DNA Polymerase: INSIGHTS INTO THE ROLE OF THE "NUCLEOTIDE-BINDING" STATE.
- Rothwell PJ, Allen WJ, Sisamakis E, Kalinin S, Felekyan S, Widengren J, Waksman G, Seidel CA.SourceFrom the Chair for Molecular Physical Chemistry, Heinrich-Heine University, Universitätsstraβe 1, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany.
- The Journal of biological chemistry.J Biol Chem.2013 May 10;288(19):13575-91. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.432690. Epub 2013 Mar 22.
- DNA polymerases are responsible for the accurate replication of DNA. Kinetic, single-molecule, and x-ray studies show that multiple conformational states are important for DNA polymerase fidelity. Using high precision FRET measurements, we show that Klentaq1 (the Klenow fragment of Thermus aquaticus
- PMID 23525110
- Electronic Measurements of Single-Molecule Processing by DNA Polymerase I (Klenow Fragment).
- Olsen TJ, Choi Y, Sims PC, Gul OT, Corso BL, Dong C, Brown WA, Collins PG, Weiss GA.AbstractBioconjugating single molecules of the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I into electronic nanocircuits allowed electrical recordings of enzymatic function and dynamic variability with the resolution of individual nucleotide incorporation events. Continuous recordings of DNA polymerase processing multiple homopolymeric DNA templates extended over 600 s and through >10,000 bond forming events. An enzymatic processivity of 42 nucleotides for a template of the same length was directly observed. Statistical analysis determined key kinetic parameters for the enzyme's open and closed conformations. Consistent with these nanocircuit-based observations, the enzyme closed complex forms a phosphodiester bond in a highly efficient process >99.8% of the time with a mean duration of only 0.3 ms for all four dNTPs. The rate-limiting step for catalysis occurs during the enzyme open state, but with a nearly two-fold longer duration for dATP or dTTP incorporation than for dCTP or dGTP into complementary, homopolymeric DNA templates. Taken together, the results provide a wealth of new information complementing prior work on the mechanism and dynamics of DNA polymerase I.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society.J Am Chem Soc.2013 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bioconjugating single molecules of the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I into electronic nanocircuits allowed electrical recordings of enzymatic function and dynamic variability with the resolution of individual nucleotide incorporation events. Continuous recordings of DNA polymerase processing mu
- PMID 23631761
- Measuring and Modeling the Kinetics of Individual DNA-DNA Polymerase Complexes on a Nanopore.
- Wang H, Hurt N, Dunbar WB.SourceDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, ‡Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and §Department of Computer Engineering, University of California , Santa Cruz, California 95064, United States.
- ACS nano.ACS Nano.2013 Apr 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- The assembly of a DNA-DNA polymerase binary complex is the precursory step in genome replication, in which the enzyme binds to the 3' junction created when a primer binds to its complementary substrate. In this study, we use an active control method for observing the binding interaction between Klen
- PMID 23565679
Japanese Journal
- Simple, Colorimetric Detection of MicroRNA Based on Target Amplification and DNAzyme
- Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 29(6), 605-610, 2013-06-10
- NAID 10031177782
- Unnatural imidazopyridopyrimidine:naphthyridine base pairs: selective incorporation and extension reaction by Deep Vent (exo- ) DNA polymerase
- Requirements for frameshift (deletion) during translesion synthesis (第32回〔日本環境変異原学会〕大会シンポジウム(2)DNA損傷と変異のメカニズム)
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- メーカー 略称 製品コード TaKaRa Code 製品名 容量 価格(税別) 特記事項 説明書 データシート ベクター情報 参考 資料 TKR 2140A 2140A Klenow Fragment(Large Fragment E. coli DNA Polymerase I) 200 U ¥13,500 TKR 2140B(A ...
- ... with dNTPs or long reaction times may result in recessed ends due to the 3'→ 5' exonuclease activity of the enzyme. When DNA Polymerase I, Large (Klenow) Fragment is used to sequence DNA using the dideoxy method of ...
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- クレノウ酵素、Klenow酵素
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- Klenow enzyme