- writer who was born in the United States but lived in England (1843-1916) (同)Henry James
- the first Stuart to be king of England and Ireland from 1603 to 1625 and king of Scotland from 1567 to 1625; he was the son of Mary Queen of Scots and he succeeded Elizabeth I; he alienated the British Parliament by claiming the divine right of kings (156 (同)James I, King James, King James I
- the last Stuart to be king of England and Ireland and Scotland; overthrown in 1688 (1633-1701) (同)James II
- a Stuart king of Scotland who married a daughter of Henry VII; when England and France went to war in 1513 he invaded England and died in defeat at Flodden (1473-1513) (同)James IV
- United States outlaw who fought as a Confederate soldier and later led a band of outlaws that robbed trains and banks in the West until he was murdered by a member of his own gang (1847-1882) (同)Jesse James
- (New Testament) disciple of Jesus; brother of John; author of the Epistle of James in the New Testament (同)Saint James, St. James, Saint James the Apostle, St. James the Apostle
- United States pragmatic philosopher and psychologist (1842-1910) (同)William James
- a river in Virginia that flows east into Chesapeake Bay at Hampton Roads (同)James River
- a river that rises in North Dakota and flows southward across South Dakota to the Missouri (同)James River
- ヤコブ書(新約聖書の一書;《略》『jas.』)
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Japanese Journal
- 症例 Sick sinus syndromeと房室伝導障害を伴い,Kent束とJames線維の共存したpre-excitation syndromeの1例
- 小野 和男,中村 善明,束原 康文,大和田 憲司,池田 精宏,待井 一男,刈米 重夫,八子 英器
- 心臓 13(1), 89-94, 1981
- … W心電図を示す際はH波はデルタ波の30msec.後に位置し,PSVTではQRSが正常化しLLRAのA波はHis束のA波より30msec.早期に出現したことよりKent束の存在を,さらに高頻度心房刺激にてA-H間隔の延長しないことからJames線維の共存を考えた.<BR>以上の結果よりsick sinus syndrome と房室伝導障害を伴ったKent束とJames線維の共存するpre-excitation syndromeと診断した.文献上このような症例はまだ報告されていないと思われる. …
- NAID 130004410846
- 19)His束心電図よりKent束とJames線維の共存が考えられた間歇性Pre-excitation Syndromeの1例 : 第54回日本循環器学会東北地方会
- 小田島 秀夫,本良 いよ子,伊藤 明一,篠田 晋,秋山 巖,長島 道夫
- Japanese circulation journal 40(12), 1481, 1977-01-20
- NAID 110002598868
- 症例 His束心電図よりKent束とJames線維の共存が考えられた間歇性pre-excitation syndromeの1例
- 本良 いよ子,小田島 秀夫,伊藤 明一,篠田 晋,秋山 巌,長島 道夫
- 心臓 7(11), 1330-1336, 1975
- … 間歇性にデルタ波が出没し,His束心電図検索により,Kent束とJames線維の共存が考えられたまれなpreexcitatisk syndremeの1例を経験したので,考察を加え報告する.18歳,男子.健診時発見された異常心電図のため入院した.心電図上,B型WPW症候群波型の外に,PR短縮,正常QRS波型を間歇性に混じ,PP間隔の延長する際に,デルタ波のない後者の波型がみられる傾向にあった.His束心電図上,WPW症候群波型では,PR85msec.PA35msec,AH 45 msecで,Hはデルタ波の …
- NAID 130004416742
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- 英
- James bundle
- 同
- James束、James線維、James fiber
- 関
- ラウン・ギャノン・レバイン症候群
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