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English Journal
- Progesterone utilizes distinct membrane pools of tissue factor to increase coagulation and invasion and these effects are inhibited by TFPI.
- Henriquez S, Calderon C, Quezada M, Oliva B, Bravo ML, Aranda E, Kato S, Cuello MA, Gutierrez J, Quest AF, Owen GI.SourceDepartamento de Fisiologia, Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Alameda 340, Santiago, Chile.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2011 Dec;226(12):3278-85. doi: 10.1002/jcp.22689.
- Tissue factor (TF) serving as the receptor for coagulation factor VII (FVII) initiates the extrinsic coagulation pathway. We previously demonstrated that progesterone increases TF, coagulation and invasion in breast cancer cell lines. Herein, we investigated if tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)
- PMID 21344386
- The endothelial cell protein C receptor: cell surface conductor of cytoprotective coagulation factor signaling.
- Gleeson EM, O'Donnell JS, Preston RJ.SourceHaemostasis Research Group, Department of Haematology, Institute of Molecular Medicine, St James Hospital Campus, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
- Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS.Cell Mol Life Sci.2011 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Increasing evidence links blood coagulation proteins with the regulation of acute and chronic inflammatory disease. Of particular interest are vitamin K-dependent proteases, which are generated as a hemostatic response to vascular injury, but can also initiate signal transduction via interactions wi
- PMID 21968919
Japanese Journal
- Ex Vivo Coagulation Test on Tissue Factor-Expressing Cells with a Calibrated Automated Thrombogram
- 高宮 脩,阪田 光彦,Takamiya Osamu,Sakata Mitsuhiko,タカミヤ オサム,サカタ ミツヒコ
- Laboratory Hematology 14(4), 39-44, 2008
- … FVII-depleted plasma, FVIII-deficient plasma, and FIX-deficient plasma showed remarkably reduced peak heights, ttPeaks, and times to the end of thrombin generation (start tails). … The thrombogram of FVII-depleted plasma was characterized by a remarkably prolonged LT, unlike the patterns of FVIII- or FIX-deficient plasma and FXI-depleted plasma. …
- NAID 120002852025
- 先天性第VII因子欠乏症患者に対する遺伝子組換え活性型第VII因子製剤(注射用ノボセブン^【○!R】)の有効性と安全性
- 花房 秀次,大山 和成,渡辺 智,榊原 謙,平松 祐司,新福 玄二,高木 洋行,佐藤 公治,坂部 秀明,中谷 浩,日笠 聡,澤田 暁宏,西川 哲夫,伊藤 啓二朗,高宮 脩,吉岡 章
- 日本血栓止血学会誌 = The Journal of Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis 17(6), 695-705, 2006-12-01
- 先天性第VII因子欠乏症患者に対する遺伝子組換え活性型第VII因子製剤(rFVIIa, 注射用ノボセブン®;ノボ ノルディスク ファーマ株式会社)の後方視的な使用成績調査を実施した.対象は13名の先天性欠乏症で,男性6名と女性7名,年齢は生後60日から78歳,血漿第VII因子活性は3%以下が7名,3?10%が2名,10%以上が4名であった.1回に10?35 μg/kgのrFVIIaを投与 …
- NAID 10021259563
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- The main role of factor VII (FVII) is to initiate the process of coagulation in conjunction with tissue factor (TF/factor III). Tissue factor is found on the outside of blood vessels - normally not exposed to the bloodstream. Upon vessel injury, tissue ...
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- 英
- factor VII, FVII, F VII
- 同
- 血清プロトロンビン転化促進因子 serum prothrombin conversion accelerator SPCA、プロコンバーチン proconvertin、安定因子 stable factor、オートトロンビンI autothrombin I、コトロンボプラスチン cothromboplastin、因子VII
- 関
- 血液凝固因子