- a ball bowled by a left-handed bowler to a right-handed batsman that spins from off to leg
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/06/13 08:12:30」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
チャイナマン(単数:Chinaman 複数:Chinamen)とは、中国人(中華民族=漢民族)を指す呼び方。イギリスやアメリカなど英語を母国語とする国を中心に使われている。本来は蔑称ではないが、現在では差別的な意味合いを帯びる場合がある。 中国人や漢民族だけではなく、一般的なアジア系の人を現す言葉である。
- 差別用語
- チンク
- チンキー
- チョンキー
- ちゃんころ
この項目は、中国に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(P:中国/PJ:中国)。 |
[Wiki en表示]
Look up Chinaman, Chinamen, chinaman, or chinamen in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Chinaman (term) is a contentious term referring to a Chinese person or a citizen of China.
Chinaman or Chinamen may also refer to:
- 1 Arts and entertainment
- 1.1 Literature
- 1.2 Music
- 1.3 Other arts
- 2 Places
- 3 Other uses
Arts and entertainment
- The Chinaman (1999), a collection of poems by David Mamet
- The Chinaman, a novel by Stephen Leather
- The Chinaman, a 2007 novel in Swedish by Henning Mankell, published in English translation in 2010 as The Man from Beijing (novel)
- Chinaman: The Legend of Pradeep Mathew, a novel by Shehan Karunatilaka
- The Chinaman and Chinaman Records (1992), the first solo album and the music label respectively by 2 Live Crew member Fresh Kid Ice
- "The Chinaman", a nickname of rapper Fresh Kid Ice (Chris Wong Won)
Other arts
- Chinaman, the English title of the Danish film Kinamand
- Chinamen (1970), a play in Michael Frayn's The Two of Us (play)
- "The Chinaman", stage name of American comedian Mark Britten
- Chinaman Island, an uninhabited island located in Western Port, Victoria, Australia
- Chinaman's Peak, former name of Ha Ling Peak, Mount Lawrence Grassi, Alberta, Canada
- Chinaman's Hat, common name of Mokolii, a basalt island in Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawaii
Other uses
- Chinaman (politics), an epithet for political backers in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., in the 1900s
- Chinaman (porcelain), a dealer in porcelain and chinaware
- Chinaman (ship), any ship engaged in the Old China Trade in the 18th and 19th centuries
- Left-arm unorthodox spin or chinaman, a style of cricket bowling
- Chinaman's chance, a figure of speech meaning little or no chance
- John Chinaman, a stock caricature of a Chinese laborer seen in cartoons of the 19th century
- Conical Asian hat, a simple style of conical hat originating in East and Southeast Asia
- Chinaman's Hat (Port Phillip), an octagonal structure serving as a shipping channel marker in Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia
- Chinaman of Koenigsberg, a label for Immanuel Kant used by Friedrich Nietzsche
- Nodding Chinaman or nodding China-man, a type of decorative 19th Century figure usually made of china; mentioned in the book 'The remains of the day'
Japanese Journal
- A Study of Cannery Row : John Steinbeck and the Old Chinaman
- 當麻 幸子
- 学習院大学人文科学論集 6, 85-95, 1997
- John SteinbeckのCannery Rowには何故暗い雰囲気が漂っているのか,年老いた中国人を分析しながら考察した。この中国人は作品中わずか4回しか登場しないが,非常に強い印象を残す不思議な人物なので,作品を考察するには好材料だと思ったからである。 まず,スタインベックの中国人観を探るために,スタイソペック文学に出てくる代表的な中国人2人,すなわちEast of EdenのLeeとCan …
- NAID 110000545904
- 橋本 芳郎 [他],神谷 久男,金城 喜栄,吉田 朝啓
- 日本水産学会誌 41(8), 903-905, 1975
- … An outbreak of food poisoning with 25 patients occurred from the ingestion of a chinaman fish Glabrilutjanus nematophorus in Okinawa Island in 1974. …
- NAID 130001548469
Related Links
- Historically, Chinaman was a neutral compound word, similar to Irishman or Englishman, but it began to take on negative connotations in the 19th century, when many Chinese immigrants went to work in the American West. The ...
- Chinamanとは。意味や和訳。[名](複 -men)1 ((軽蔑))中国人.2 ((c-))瀬戸物商人.3 《クリケット》(左投手の)ひねり球. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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