- bear with a black coat living in central and eastern Asia (同)black_bear, Ursus thibetanus, Selenarctos thibetanus
- nocturnal rodent of Asia having furry folds of skin between forelegs and hind legs enabling it to move by gliding leaps
- deciduous shrub of eastern Asia bearing decorative bright blue fruit (同)sapphire berry, Symplocus paniculata
- a family of languages spoken in southern and southeastern Asia (同)Austro-Asiatic language, Munda-Mon-Khmer
- =Asian
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/27 22:00:56」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Asiatic refers to something related to Asia.
Asiatic may also refer to:
- Asiatic style, a term in ancient stylistic criticism associated with Greek writers of Asia Minor
- In the context of Ancient Egypt, Asiatic is used to mean beyond the borders of Egypt and the continent of Africa to the east, but only of western Asia, or of what may now be considered the Middle East.
See also[edit]
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English Journal
- Asiatic Acid inhibits adipogenic differentiation of bone marrow stromal cells.
- Li ZW1, Piao CD, Sun HH, Ren XS, Bai YS.Author information 1The Second Clinical Hospital of JiLin University, Changchun, 130041, People's Republic of China.AbstractBone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) are the common precursors for both osteoblasts and adipocytes. With aging, BMSC osteoblast differentiation decreases whereas BMSC differentiation into adipocytes increases, resulting in increased adipogenesis and bone loss. In the present study, we investigated the effect of asiatic acid (AA) on adipocytic differentiation of BMSCs. AA inhibited the adipogenic induction of lipid accumulation, activity of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and expression of marker genes in adipogenesis: peroxisome proliferation-activated receptor (PPAR)γ, adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (ap) 2, and adipsin. Further, we found that AA did not alter clonal expansion rate and expression of C/EBPβ, upstream key regulator of PPARγ, and binding activity of C/EBPβ to PPARγ promoter was not affected by AA as well. These findings suggest that AA may modulate differentiation of BMSCs to cause a lineage shift away from the adipocytes, and inhibition of PPARγ by AA is through C/EBPβ-independent mechanisms. Thus, AA could be a potential candidate for a novel drug against osteoporosis.
- Cell biochemistry and biophysics.Cell Biochem Biophys.2014 Mar;68(2):437-42. doi: 10.1007/s12013-013-9725-2.
- Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) are the common precursors for both osteoblasts and adipocytes. With aging, BMSC osteoblast differentiation decreases whereas BMSC differentiation into adipocytes increases, resulting in increased adipogenesis and bone loss. In the present study, we inves
- PMID 23934183
- Transcriptomic analysis of Asiatic lily in the process of vernalization via RNA-seq.
- Huang J1, Liu X, Wang J, Lü Y.Author information 1College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, No. 35 Qinghua East Road, Beijing, 100083, People's Republic of China.AbstractThe new transcriptomes provided comprehensive sequence profiling data of transcriptomic variation during vernalization in Lily Asiatic Hybrids 'Tiny ghost'. A number of 52,277,184 sequencing raw reads totaling 5.11 Gbp of the chilling treatment (4 °C) sample and 39,466,176 sequencing raw reads totaling 3.85 Gbp of room temperature control (25 °C) sample were assembled de novo into 68,718 unigenes with a mean length of 984 bp, and a total of 33,208 (45.6 %) unigenes were annotated by using public protein databases with a cut-off E value about 10-5. There are 6,153 unigenes of which were assigned to specific metabolic pathways by the Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes. Gene Ontology analysis of the annotated unigenes revealed that the majority of sequenced genes were associated with signal transduction mechanisms, posttranslational modification, protein turnover and chaperones. In addition, the genes expression levels were compared just after vernalization completion between the cold treatment and room temperature control. There are 68,116 unigenes were differentially expressed, and hierarchical clustering analysis arranged 7,301 significantly differentially-expressed unigenes into 56 groups. Six genes related to the vernalization were selected to confirm their expression levels by using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Furthermore, typical vernalization unigenes VRN1 and VRN2 were identified, and also some vernalization-associated unigenes, such as CBF, SOC, TaAGL, AP2, LEA, LIM et al. were also annotated in the present study. As for VRN1 and VRN2, their expressions were consistent with some previous related studies. Also, this was the first time the vernalization genes VRN1 and VRN2 were founded in lily. According to the results of the present studies, we predicted that they would play an important role during vernalization in Lily Asiatic Hybrids; these data provided the foundation for the future studies of metabolism during vernalization of Asiatic lily.
- Molecular biology reports.Mol Biol Rep.2014 Feb 21. [Epub ahead of print]
- The new transcriptomes provided comprehensive sequence profiling data of transcriptomic variation during vernalization in Lily Asiatic Hybrids 'Tiny ghost'. A number of 52,277,184 sequencing raw reads totaling 5.11 Gbp of the chilling treatment (4 °C) sample and 39,466,176 sequencing raw reads tot
- PMID 24557890
- Proteomic characterization of venom of the medically important Southeast Asian Naja sumatrana (Equatorial spitting cobra).
- Yap MK1, Fung SY1, Tan KY1, Tan NH2.Author information 1Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.2Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Electronic address: tanngethong@yahoo.com.sg.AbstractThe proteome of Naja sumatrana (Equatorial spitting cobra) venom was investigated by shotgun analysis and a combination of ion-exchange chromatography and reverse phase HPLC. Shotgun analysis revealed the presence of 39 proteins in the venom while the chromatographic approach identified 37 venom proteins. The results indicated that, like other Asiatic cobra venoms, N. sumatrana contains large number of three finger toxins and phospholipases A2, which together constitute 92.1% by weight of venom protein. However, only eight of the toxins can be considered as major venom toxins. These include two phospholipases A2, three neurotoxins (two long neurotoxins and a short neurotoxin) and three cardiotoxins. The eight major toxins have relative abundance of 1.6-27.2% venom proteins and together account for 89.8% (by weight) of total venom protein. Other venom proteins identified include Zn-metalloproteinase-disintegrin, Thaicobrin, CRISP, natriuretic peptide, complement depleting factors, cobra venom factors, venom nerve growth factor and cobra serum albumin. The proteome of N. sumatrana venom is similar to proteome of other Asiatic cobra venoms but differs from that of African spitting cobra venom. Our results confirm that the main toxic action of N. sumatrana venom is neurotoxic but the large amount of cardiotoxins and phospholipases A2 are likely to contribute significantly to the overall pathophysiological action of the venom. The differences in toxin distribution between N. sumatrana venom and African spitting cobra venoms suggest possible differences in the pathophysiological actions of N. sumatrana venom and the African spitting cobra venoms, and explain why antivenom raised against Asiatic cobra venom is not effective against African spitting cobra venoms.
- Acta tropica.Acta Trop.2014 Feb 6. pii: S0001-706X(14)00027-8. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.01.014. [Epub ahead of print]
- The proteome of Naja sumatrana (Equatorial spitting cobra) venom was investigated by shotgun analysis and a combination of ion-exchange chromatography and reverse phase HPLC. Shotgun analysis revealed the presence of 39 proteins in the venom while the chromatographic approach identified 37 venom pro
- PMID 24508616
Japanese Journal
- 安木 新一郎
- 国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 28(1), 117-120, 2014-10
- NAID 40020244956
- 西欧におけるアジア的生産様式論争の展開 1964-1974(下)
- Neuroprotective Effect of Asiatic Acid in Rat Model of Focal Embolic Stroke
- Lee Ki Yong,Bae Ok-Nam,Weinstock Shelley [他]
- Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 37(8), 1397-1401, 2014-08
- NAID 40020136871
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