- 英
- sight
- 関
- 光景、見つめる
- take aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)
- the range of vision; "out of sight of land" (同)ken
- the ability to see; the visual faculty (同)vision, visual sense, visual modality
- a range of mental vision; "in his sight she could do no wrong"
- an instance of visual perception; "the sight of his wife brought him back to reality"; "the train was an unexpected sight"
- anything that is seen; "he was a familiar sight on the television"; "they went to Paris to see the sights"
- 〈U〉『視力』,視覚(vision)・〈U〉《時にa ~》(…を)『見ること』《+『of』+『名』》・〈U〉見える範囲,視野,視界・〈C〉『景色』,『光景』,眺め・《the sights》『名所』・〈U〉見解・〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》(望遠鏡などの)照準器,照尺,照星・〈C〉《a ~》《話》ひどいもの・《a ~》多数(の…),多量(の…)《+『of』+『名』》;《副詞的に用いて》うんと,ずっと:a sight of money多額の金・…‘を'見つける,認める・ / (照準器で)…‘を'ねらう, ‘に'照準を合わせる
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Japanese Journal
- 本質を見抜く眼識で新たな時代を切拓く 脳力のレッスン(172)科学革命における「コスモスの崩壊」とは何か : 一七世紀オランダからの視界(その38)
- 大惨事に向かおうとする英国 視界不良におびえる世界 (英国EU離脱の衝撃) -- (離脱の現実と未来)
- 銀行株は大幅に下落 英国の視界不良は続く (緊急特集 英国EU離脱 : 世界経済を徐々にむしばむ病巣)
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- 英
- sight
- 関
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