- 英
- ceruminal impaction
- ラ
- ceruminosis
- 同
- 耳垢栓 ceruminal plug、てい聹塞栓
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- 1. 耳垢cerumen [show details]
…in 3 older adults . In the United States, cerumen accumulation leads to 12 million patient visits and 8 million cerumen removal procedures annually . Cerumen is found in the external auditory canal (EAC) …
- 2. 小児における耳漏(耳だれ)の評価evaluation of otorrhea ear discharge in children [show details]
…Annoying to many parents, but generally harmless, some children have thin cerumen that can present as ear drainage. In general, cerumen is only a problem if it is impacted or if it precludes examination of …
- 3. スキューバダイビングの合併症complications of scuba diving [show details]
… sickness (DCS) or gas embolism, but it can cause a diver to ascend rapidly or to omit decompression stops, and thus, it may contribute to DCS or acute gas embolism.… Equilibration may also be impeded when an artificial air space is created by external material, such as cerumen impaction, ear plugs, or a tight-fitting hood. Symptoms vary from a sensation of pressure to hearing …
- 4. 成人における難聴の病因etiology of hearing loss in adults [show details]
…Some patients are not able to clear cerumen on their own or use Q-tips that push the cerumen down the ear canal. These individuals may need periodic cleaning of the cerumen to enhance their auditory capabilities …
- 5. 外耳炎:病因、臨床的特徴、および診断external otitis pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…create an ideal culture medium. In addition, the sticky quality of cerumen helps to trap fine debris. Breakdown of the skin-cerumen barrier is the first step in the pathogenesis of external otitis. Inflammation …
Related Links
- 耳垢栓塞(じこうせんそく)とは、耳垢で耳の穴が塞がってしまった状態です。耳が聞こえにくくなることはもちろんのこと、耳の詰まり感などが起こることもあります。耳を長年掃除していなかった人ばかりでなく、...
- 耳垢塞栓も自然排出されることがあるため、しばらく待ってみる、という選択肢もありますが、掃除が必要となれば、専門医は、耳鏡や顕微鏡を利用して耳垢を除去します。鉱物油やグリセリンをたらして耳垢塞栓を柔らかくしてから ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- ceruminal impaction
- 関
- 耳垢塞栓
- 英
- ceruminal plug
- 関
- 耳垢塞栓
- 英
- plug、cock、stopper
- 関
- コック、ストッパー、栓子、共栓、塞ぐ、プラグ、雄鳥
- 英
- embolus, (pl.)emboli
- 関
- 塞栓症