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- 1. 成人の精神病:疫学、臨床症状、診断的評価psychosis in adults epidemiology clinical manifestations and diagnostic evaluation [show details]
… observed forms of thought disorganization include: Alogia/poverty of content – Very little information conveyed by speech. Thought blocking – Suddenly losing train of thought,… Psychosis can be a manifestation of an underlying acute medical illness or chronic condition. We rule out medical causes and medication and substance-related causes before considering primary psychiatric causes …
- 2. 成人における双極性障害:電気ショック療法(ECT)の適応および有効性bipolar disorder in adults indications for and efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy ect [show details]
…urgent clinical situations, including : Severe suicidality (eg, explicit intent to carry out a well thought out suicide plan) Severe psychosis (eg, nearly continuous auditory hallucinations commanding …
- 3. 小児や青年の不安障害への精神療法psychotherapy for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents [show details]
…make it home from an evening out due to a catastrophe. The child is taught to address his or her inner thoughts with realistic challenges, “How many times has Mom gone out at night and not come home? She …
- 4. 身体的虐待を受けた疑いのある小児の鑑別診断differential diagnosis of suspected child physical abuse [show details]
…to the skin. The suction force created by the cooling and contracting of the heated air is thought to "draw out" the ailment. The heated air and the rim of the cup burn the skin. This technique is used …
- 5. 小児の扁桃摘出やアデノイド切除:適応と禁忌tonsillectomy and or adenoidectomy in children indications and contraindications [show details]
…most common surgical procedures performed in children. Adenotonsillectomy is often thought of, and most often carried out, as a single, combined operation; however, in assessing indications for surgery, …
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- 考想奪取(こうそうだっしゅ、thought withdrawal) 考想奪取とは、自分の考えが、まるで外部の人や力で引っ張り出されているように、頭の中から消えてなくなると感じることを言います。 【関連ページ】 うつ等の精神症状(非器質性精神障害)の後遺障害等級認定のポイント
- (1) 考想化声、考想吹込または考想奪取、考想伝播。 (2) 他者に支配される、影響される、あるいは抵抗できないという妄想で、身体や四肢の運動、特定の思考・行動や感覚に関連つけられているもの、および妄想知覚。
- 考想奪取(自分の考えが奪い取られるように感じる)、考想伝播(自分の考えが周囲に漏れ伝わっていると感じる)などがあります。 妄想知覚というのは、「ある知覚に対して妄想的な意味づけがなされる」ことです。
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- 英
- thought withdrawal, withdrawal of thought
- 同
- 考想奪取
- 関
- 思考吹入、阻害、思考