- 英
- fascicular suture
- 関
- 神経束縫合
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- 1. 皮膚裂傷の縫合修復skin laceration repair with sutures [show details]
… may be similar to synthetic nylon suture . However, more evidence from large randomized controlled trials is needed before Vicryl Rapide is considered an equivalent suture choice for percutaneous closure …
- 2. 腹壁閉鎖の原則principles of abdominal wall closure [show details]
… different suture materials, synthetic nonabsorbable monofilament sutures of nylon, wire, and polypropylene were associated with less serious infection than multifilament and natural fiber sutures . This was …
- 3. 腹腔鏡下手術において使用する器具およびデバイスinstruments and devices used in laparoscopic surgery [show details]
… outer aspect of the scope and is comprised of a bundle of glass fibers that run the length of the scope and transmit… Suturing tissues and placing ligatures during laparoscopic surgery are complex technical skills.…
- 4. 女性泌尿生殖器の外科解剖学surgical female urogenital anatomy [show details]
… These must be avoided when placing sutures or trocars in the ligament The pudendal neurovascular bundle passes behind the ischial spine and… muscle fibers, with a few circularly oriented outer fibers. The precise function of this longitudinal smooth muscle is not known, however, it has been suggested that these longitudinal fibers serve…
- 5. 出産に伴う会陰やその他の部位の裂傷の治療repair of perineal and other lacerations associated with childbirth [show details]
… standard absorption (average 63 days) braided polyglactin 910 sutures and monofilament sutures (eg,… Within the perineal body are the interlacing fibers of the superficial transverse perineal muscles, bulbocavernosus, and fibers of the external anal sphincter (EAS).…
Related Links
- また、質問者様のご想像通り、神経縫合の際には細い神経線維を一本一本縫合するのではなく、神経の束(神経束と言います)を包んでいる膜(神経周膜といいます)を縫合するのです。あるいはもっと大ざっぱに、神経束を束ねて ...
- 東京逓信病院は東京都千代田区の総合病院で、どなたもご利用いただけます。救急難民やがん難民を作らない急性期及び総合的がん診療医療機関を自負し、新しい医療とエビデンスを創造し発信する先進医療機関を目指します。
Related Pictures

- 英
- funicular suture, funicular repair
- 同
- 線維束縫合 fascicular suture
- 関
- 神経束
- 英
- suture, stitch
- 関
- 頭蓋縫合
- 簡単に縫合を図解
- http://www.geocities.jp/dogcat1111122222/suture2.html
- 英
- bundle
- 関
- 束、束ねる