- 英
- end feet
- 同
- 神経終足、終末ボタン terminal boutons
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- 1. 下垂足:病因、診断、治療foot drop etiology diagnosis and treatment [show details]
… either through a tibiotalar fusion or a pantalar fusion. This procedure is considered the last resort in foot drop treatment as all motion is removed from the ankle joint. While arthrodesis may provide …
- 2. 活動的な小児や骨格発達の未成熟な青年の足および足首の痛み:評価foot and ankle pain in the active child or skeletally immature adolescent evaluation [show details]
… toe-off. Swing – The swing phase is the last phase of the gait cycle. The foot dorsiflexes to keep the toes from hitting the ground and supinates to position the foot for the lateral calcaneus to make contact …
- 3. 夜間の足痙攣nocturnal leg cramps [show details]
…cramps are characterized by sudden muscle tightness, most commonly in the calf, foot, or thigh . The cramps typically last from seconds to many minutes, and are relieved by forceful stretching of the affected …
- 4. 高齢ドライバーの評価に対するアプローチapproach to the evaluation of older drivers [show details]
…feel safe and comfortable" (rapid-pace walk). Start timing when subject picks up first foot. Stop timing when last foot crosses finish line. Those at increased risk of impaired driving abilities score >7 …
- 5. POEMS症候群poems syndrome [show details]
…(45 percent) or walker/foot brace (29 percent) for mobility. On long-term follow-up, a minority needed assistance with mobility (no wheelchairs, 38 percent with foot brace). At last follow-up, six patients …
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- 英
- terminal boutons
- 関
- 終足
- 英
- foot
- ラ
- pes
- 関
- 下肢