- 英
- secondary eye position
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- 1. 成人における白内障cataract in adults [show details]
…expedited second eye surgery (within six weeks) compared with routine second eye surgery (routine waiting time, 7 to 12 months) . However, there were major benefits for the expedited second surgery group …
- 2. 急速眼球運動睡眠行動障害rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder [show details]
… Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized by dream-enactment behaviors that emerge during a loss of REM sleep atonia.… The movements of RBD are short in duration (less than 60 seconds) and appear purposeful,…
- 3. レーザー屈折矯正手術laser refractive surgery [show details]
…impacted their daily activities or wellbeing . Outcome in a second eye treated with LASIK may be correlated with the results in the first eye . As an example, one study found a relatively high correlation …
- 4. 網膜芽細胞腫:治療と転帰retinoblastoma treatment and outcome [show details]
…patients with bilateral advanced disease, if one eye is primarily enucleated, systemic or local chemotherapy can be used in attempt to salvage the second eye. When salvage of both eyes is attempted, systemic …
- 5. 結核と眼tuberculosis and the eye [show details]
… including the eye . Ocular TB can involve any part of the eye and can occur with or without evidence of systemic TB.… granuloma has been reported to be treated successfully with second-line antitubercular drugs.…
Japanese Journal
- プリズムバー使用に際しての2,3の問題点-1-第2眼位(斜視おぼえがき-28-)
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