- 英
- astereognosis, stereoagnosis
- 同
- 立体覚消失
- a loss of the ability to recognize objects by handling them (同)tactile_agnosia
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- 1. 脳性麻痺:臨床的特徴および分類cerebral palsy clinical features and classification [show details]
…children have epilepsy, and many have disturbed gastrointestinal function and growth. Dyspraxias and agnosias may interfere with skilled tasks, regardless of the severity of motor deficit. In a child with relatively…
- 2. アルツハイマー病の臨床的特徴および診断clinical features and diagnosis of alzheimer disease [show details]
…resolve individual elements) Object perception deficit; Constructional dyspraxia; Environmental agnosia; Oculomotor apraxia (the inability to direct gaze accurately to a new target) Dressing apraxia; Optic …
- 3. 後方循環系の脳血管症候群posterior circulation cerebrovascular syndromes [show details]
…anomic aphasia or transcortical sensory aphasia , and Gerstmann syndrome (acalculia, agraphia, finger agnosia, and right-left disorientation) may be found . Defective acquisition of new memories is common when …
- 4. 成人における精神状態検査the mental status examination in adults [show details]
…In the appropriate situation, an examiner may opt to test for right-left orientation and finger agnosia. Both are features of the Gerstmann syndrome, which also includes dysgraphia and acalculia and localizes …
- 5. せん妄および錯乱状態の診断diagnosis of delirium and confusional states [show details]
…extensive bitemporal dysfunction, visual agnosia and cortical deafness (either bitemporal or left temporal) or the Kluver-Bucy syndrome (apathy, visual agnosia, increased sexual activity, and increased…
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- 英
- stereoanesthesia
- 関
- 立体失認
- 英
- ahylognosie
- 関
- 立体失認
- 英
- (pref)stereo、steric
- 関
- 立体的、ステレオ、立体上