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- 1. 軽症熱傷の治療treatment of minor thermal burns [show details]
… moderate thermal burns: Chemical burns: Sunburn: Burns are classified by total body surface area (TBSA) and depth . Treatment, prognosis, and disposition are largely determined …
- 2. 熱傷の評価と分類assessment and classification of burn injury [show details]
… result in burns and their classification will be reviewed here. The clinical assessment and management of burns in adults and children are discussed elsewhere. The depth of the thermal injury is related …
- 3. 重症熱傷患者のマネージメントの概要overview of the management of the severely burned patient [show details]
… and abdominal injuries: 4 to 24 percent; Severe burns usually require initial care in a specialized intensive care unit of a burn center. Although burns involving the eyes, ears, face, hands, feet, or …
- 4. 重症熱傷の合併症の概要overview of complications of severe burn injury [show details]
… severity of the burn . Immediately following a severe burn and continuing for approximately one week, generalized edema and hepatic hypertrophy occur . In a retrospective review of 102 severely burned children …
- 5. 高齢患者に生じた熱傷の概要overview of burn injury in older patients [show details]
… risk of death from burns has declined over time, the largest proportion of burn deaths was occurring in adults aged >75 years . Many factors predispose the older adult to burn injury. Some of these include …
Japanese Journal
- 宗教ナショナリズムと民主議会政治--サンガ・パリヴァ-ルの「穏健性」と「急進性」
- 近藤 光博
- 東京大学宗教学年報 (14), 27-41, 1996
- … このことと関連して,第二に,世界各地で昨今いよいよ激しく燃えあがりつつある<エスニック・アイデンティティの復活と政治化>とでも呼ぶべき一連の現象との関連につき,理論研究の視覚から, BJPとその兄弟組織内部のダイナミズムをごく簡単に論じる。 …
- NAID 120001507000
- 藤田 富士男
- 学校法人佐藤栄学園埼玉短期大学研究紀要 3, A21-A28, 1994-03-20
- … こまの恋慕の情は燃えあがり、周囲の反村を押して一緒になる。 …
- NAID 110004614156
- 外側膝状体発作の発展過程と光過敏性, "燃えあがり効果"(Kindling Effect)を用いたてんかんの実験的研究
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